Suck It Up

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By lunch, Ben and Carlos had both managed to control their feelings for the most part. Ben was still struggling somewhat but he was doing better. He grabbed his lunch with Harry and sat together at the lunch table. Carlos decided to sit on the other side of Ben so that Jay was on the very end. The other side of the table was taken up by Jane, Mal, Audrey, and Evie. Ben smiled at his friends and cuddled into Harry who wrapped an arm around Ben loosely. Audrey and Mal were arguing about who the cutest couple was at the table and Ben didn't want to hear any of it. Carlos looked at Ben and Harry curiously. He pulled his phone out and texted Ben.

"You feeling better?" He waited for Ben to react to his phone vibrating. He didn't even spare a glance towards him when he checked it only responding with a simple "I'm fine." Carlos wasn't buying it. Something was obviously still wrong, you don't just break down in the bathroom and then everything is fine. Carlos didn't want to push it so he just took the time to slide onto Jay's lap and eat his lunch from his there. Jay rested his chin on Carlos' shoulder for a second.

"Babe... why is your shoulder damp?" Jay asked louder than he meant to. This drew everyone at the table's attention, including Ben's who looked like a deer in headlights.

"That? Oh uh... I washed my face in the bathroom, must have gotten some water on my shoulder... sorry." Carlos moved off his lap giving Ben a serious look. Ben returned it with a much relieved whispered: "Thank you." Carlos just smiled reassuringly and let the subject drop.

"I still say that Audrey and I are the cutest," Evie argued lacing her fingers with Audrey's holding hands sweetly on top of the table for everyone to see. Mal shook her head looking displeased by that.

"No. Obviously me and Jane are so much cuter. I mean look at us." She leaned over kissing Jan square on the lips making Ben actually chuckle. They were pretty cute together was all he could think before He spoke without thinking.

"No, obviously Carlos is... Carlos and Jay are the cutest." The words slipped his mouth before he could think and immediately his heart lurched in his chest. He internally glared at himself. Everyone stared at Ben surprised including Harry surprised.

"What you don't think we are the cutest Baby?" Harry cooed in his ear sending chills down his spine. One thing Harry could always do was tease Ben regardless of his feelings.

"Of course not. We're the sexiest couple... Carlos and Jay are obviously the cutest. I mean how could you look at them and not think that?" Everyone looked at Jay and Carlos making Carlos blush heavily. Everyone exchanged looks then nodded in agreement bursting into giggles and chuckles.

"Totally, you're right Ben. They are the cutest." Ben shared a look with Carlos and for a second it was as if there was a discomfort before Ben tilted his head a little and Carlos forced a big smile to comfort him. Ben leaned over giving Carlos a side hug before latching back to Harry, giving him a forceful kiss in front of everyone. Carlos's smile faltered and he frowned a bit. Evie seemed to notice and reached over under the table putting a hand on his knee surprising him. She gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded. Evie knew everything. She always claimed she managed to keep her hair so voluminous with all the secrets she keeps but it was mostly a joke. However, there was no denying that Evie always seemed to know everything.

"Hey, Evie? Wanna go for a quick walk outside. I need some fresh air." Carlos smiled a little sadly and she nodded letting go of Audrey's hand and following him out of the cafeteria. Ben watched them go quietly, still holding onto Harry's arm. He wanted to go with him but wasn't invited so he stayed seated.

Carlos and Evie walked down the steps to the tree everyone usually meets under in the morning between the parking lot and the entrance to the school. Carlos plopped down beneath the tree and Evie gracefully slipped down next to him.

"You still like him, don't you?" Evie started and Carlos hung his head guiltily. He couldn't lie to Evie, she always knew. It was something about her that Carlos always tried to emulate and admire.

"Yeah. I don't know what's going on but I lied about my shoulder being damp. I ran into Ben in the bathroom. He was practically balling his eyes out. I don't know what is wrong but it's bothering me because I think it has something to do with Harry." Carlos plucked at the grass beneath him and Evie chuckled sadly.

"Are you sure it has something to do with Harry or is that just what you want it to be?" Evie asked checking her lip gloss in her mirror coolly. Carlos blushed and looked at Evie who smirked back.

"I asked if it did and he said maybe... So I think it does." Carlos argues but Evie doesn't seem convinced.

"Look 'Los. I know you love Jay, but you and Ben are closer than that. If he isn't telling you flat out it means it isn't something, he feels comfortable talking about. I think you are just projecting because you still love him. Just don't forget about Jay okay? You have a perfectly fine specimen of a man who is happy to have you. Appreciate that."

"I know Evie. I am... I just can't help how I feel about him." Carlos whined and Evie chuckled a bit taking his hand and giving it a squeeze.

"You could just tell Ben. Get it over with?" Evie proposed and He recoiled in horror at the very idea.

"Are you insane? There's no way I'd tell Ben. It hurts enough to see him with that flirt of a Hook. I think I'll save myself the heartbreak." Carlos frowned and picked at the grass angrily. Evie shrugged and stood up as the bell rang.

"Then suck it buttercup. You have Jay and he has Harry. Unless one of you decides to change that, then you need to put the breaks on the swooning. It's just going to make it hurt more." She said sagely before helping him up and the two heading back into the cafeteria to gather their things. 

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