Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jade's heart skipped a beat as Cheverston approached her, a knife in hand, a smirk on his blood thirsty lips.

Was this the end for Jade?

Robertson shook his head. "Darren, please!" Tears brimmed in his eyes. "She's your biological daughter, you can't do this."

Cheverston's bloodshot eyes wandered over Robertson. "You took away my son, the only person I ever cared about," he pressed the blade against Jades neck. "Now I'll take away what you treasure the most."

"Darren we talked about this!" Rachel pleaded.

Cheverston slowly turned to her, anger flashing in his eyes. "I'll deal with you later."

Rachel was shocked by his tone of voice and bit her quivering lip to stop herself from crying again.

Jade felt the cold blade press against her neck again. She swallowed the lump in her throat. If she moved her head any bit forward, she'd cut her own throat.

She met Cheverston's eye and held his stare. Chevertson's hand shook, the blade dangerously close to cutting Jades skin.

"Darren," Robertson began. "If I could go back in time and change everything, I would."

Chevertson looked over at him. Robertson continued. "But your son wouldn't want this, he wouldn't want you to take a life to avenge his. He's not coming back and nothings going to change that."

Chevertson shook violently with rage, pulling the knife away from Jades throat again. "You shut the fuck up! You wouldn't have a clue what my boy would've wanted!"

He spat in Robertson's face, gripping him by the collar of his shirt. "I know for a fact he'd want me to get justice for him."

"You have your fucking justice!" Robertson spat. "You have me, the guy that killed him. Why have Jade suffer for my actions?"

Chevertson lowered the knife, slits narrowed. "You know what, Ryan," Cheverston slammed the knife into Robertson's thigh. Robertson growled in pain.

"For ever year I suffered," he approached Jade, rolling up his sleeves. "I'll break a bone in her body."

"I've been suffering for five fucking years," he looked at Jade, madness in his eyes. "That's five broken bones."

Jade gulped. She didn't particularly know which one would be a better option. A quick death, choking on her own blood for a few seconds or broken bones.

Cheverston grabbed her by her left shoulder, yanked down her sleeve and got a hold of her collar bone.

Jade knew from biology that the clavicle is one of the most painful bones to break. Aka, your collar bone. It is also the easiest to break.

Chevertson made a direct hit for her left shoulder. There was a loud click and and popping nose. A sharp pain rushed through her shoulder and Jade screamed, tears flooding down her face.

"Darren!" Robertson yelled. "You better leave her alone."

Cheverston looked up at him, snarling. "Or what?"

Robertson glowered at him. "I'll fucking kill you."

Cheverston laughed like a maniac. "I'd really love to see you try."

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