Chapter Nineteen

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Robertson parked outside the main hospital and slammed his door shut, marching towards the double automatic glass doors.

He raced up the stairs to level three where Dr. Densel was. He ignored the receptionist's yells as he barged into Densels office.

The twenty-year-old man opposite Dr. Densel looked startled. Dr. Densel stared at him in disbelief.

"I'm busy Mr. Robertson as you can clearly see." He gestured towards the young man who was petrified.

Robertson pointed his gun at the young man and motioned towards the door. "Out."

The young man scrambled to his feet and sprinted for his life.

Robertson grabbed the nearest chair and put it up against the door, locking it. No one was getting in or out.

Robertson spotted the camera in the corner of the room and shot it. He was going to let anyone see what was about to happen next.

Dr. Densel stood up, flabbergasted but kept things professional by adjusting his tie. "Mr. Robertson, you simply cannot barge into my office in such an outrageous manner like this. If you want to talk you need to make an appointment with my-"

Robertson choke slammed him into the wall, a deadly look in his eye. "Where is she?"

Dr. Densel looked like he shot himself. "I-I don't k-know."

Robertson grabbed him and flung him over the couch. Dr. Densel coughed and spluttered, rubbing his sore throat, backing away from Robertson.

"He was here wasn't he?" Robertson sneered, approaching Dr. Densel quickly. Robertson grabbed him by scruff of the neck, pinning him to the ground.

"WASN'T HE!" Robertson screamed. He was shaking with rage.

Dr. Densel nodded rapidly, squeezing his eyes shut. Robertson jammed his pistol into Dr. Densels stomach. Dr. Densel howled in pain.

"Why didn't you say anything, huh?" Robertson shook him violently. "WHY!"

"I can't tell you," he sobbed. "He'll- He'll kill me."

Robertson pointed his gun at Dr. Densel's head. "I'll fucking kill you right here right now if you don't start talking."

"He was going to kill my family," Dr. Densel sobbed. "If I didn't do as he said he was going to kill them, I'm sorry."

Robertson gritted his teeth and lunged Densel across the room. He then gripped him by the shirt, kneed him in the gut and dropped him to the floor.

Robertson cocked his gun and Dr. Densel raised his hands panicking. "OK! OK! I'll talk, I'll talk."

He backed up against the wall, hyperventilating. He slowly shuffled sideways. Robertson watched his every move, eyes narrowed.

"Yes, he was here. He locked me in the cupboard and told me if I said anything to anyone he'd kill me and my family."

"He must of told you something!" Robertson yelled at him.

Robertson twisted his head to the rattling door. Security were trying to break it down but were having no luck.

Dr. Densel took this as his opportunity and grabbed his taser and went to tase Robertson.

Robertson quickly caught his arm, disarmed him and flipped him over his shoulder. Densel landed on the glass coffee table, shattering it to millions of pieces.

Robertson pinned him down with his knee and twisted his arm, ready to break it. "I'll snap your arm in half if you don't tell me where he is."

Dr. Densel yelped in pain. Robertson used his other knee and pressed down hard on his skull.

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