Chapter Ten

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Ryan Robertson sat at his office desk, staring at the stack of paper work he had to catch up on.

He was much busier than usual, trying to track down Darren Cheverston, maybe even kill him.

The hatred he had for Cheverston was unimaginable. He couldn't wait to give him a few hard knocks and sentence him to life in prison.

His shifts were longer and his energy was running low. The maximum sleep he got nowadays was between four to five hours.

He spun around in his black spinning chair, stared up at the large board that was full of information on Cheverston.

The visit with Jade didn't go according to plan. All he wanted was his daughter home and safe, rid of her constant paranoia.

He clenched his fists tightly at the thought of what Cheverston had done to her. What he was doing to her. He'd scarred his little girl for life and he would make him pay the ultimate price.


Robertson had always thought of the many ways he could kill Cheverston, once he got his hands on him.

He thought knifing him would be too messy, but a bullet would be too noisy.

He felt like a psychopath just thinking of all these possible ways of killing him.

Could he do it though?

Robertson always used his gun, but never in his life, has he killed anyone.

Besides Cheverstons son. Which he had no choice.

Cheverston was like a brother from another mother to him. He was there for him when no one else was.

But that was to only gain his trust.

Robertson and Cheverston went way back. They met each other at the police academy.

The two of them, and few others, successfully passed and became FBI agents.

They ended up in the same department- which is rare, since nearly everyone is separated- and they were closer than ever.

It pained him on how Cheverston used to be his best friend, and now his long life enemy.

He stared up at the board, his eyes flickering from recent news papers he'd pinned up, to photographs.

He knew Cheverston couldn't of left the country without them knowing. His face was all over the news, headlines in the daily paper.

Robertson closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His mind couldn't process anything anymore and he was lacking behind on paper work.

Many have given up on Cheverstons case, said he was gone or dead, but Robertson wouldn't let the case close, he'd keep it going and wouldn't stop until he found a body or the living sadistic himself.

There was a soft knock on his office door and Officer West poked his head in.

"What?" Robertson asked rather grumpily.

"Just thought you might like something, Sir."

Robertson shook his head. As Officer West went to shut the door, Robertson urged him to come in.

"Sit," he instructed. Officer West obeyed and timidly sat opposite Robertson.

Not many people interacted with Robertson nowadays. If anyone usually disturbed him, he'd bite their head off and curse at them until they left him in peace.

West swallowed hard. "Y-yes, sir?"

"Tell me," Robertson said, eyes narrowed up at the board. "Where would you go, and what would you do, if you were Cheverston?"

Officer West was taken aback. "Well, s-sir," he opened his mouth and quickly closed it, unsure how to respond.

"You're still not going on about this, sir? Are you?" West inquired. "I mean, the case went cold months ago." He added hastily from the look Robertson gave him.

"Yes I am," Robertson replied coolly. "Now answer my question."

"Well, er. . . ." West was lost for words. "I'd probably head somewhere down south, away from the crowds, into the country side...."

Robertson gave him a look, as to say continue. West scratched the nape of his neck, clearly uncomfortable.

"And I'd lay low, wait until everything dies down and....." West trailed off, unsure on what he would do if he was in Cheverstons shoes.

"And what would you do if you were to get revenge?"

West gave Robertson a cold look. "You aren't interrogating me, are you, Robertson?"

Robertson shot him a murderous look. "No, I'm not, I'm trying to find my fucking daughter, so answer the god damn question."

West licked his chapped lips, his throat rather dry. "Well, first I'd probably torture your loved ones and once your vulnerable and out in the open, I'd take my shot and kill you."

Robertson nodded his head, his hand tracing over a rather sharp looking pen. "Interesting...."

West narrowed his slits, his confidence growing. "If you really think I'm working with that ginger ass-hole," West stood up and slammed the chair under the desk. "you're wrong."

West stormed out of the office, slamming the door shut after him.

Robertson sunk back into his chair, a sigh escaping his lips. He couldn't help but be paranoid these days. He was cautious of who he trusted and what information he shared with them.

He had an odd feeling in his stomach ever since the visit to Jade. He felt as though someone threatening was in the same room as him.

He felt as though Cheverston was there.

Robertson shook his head, putting his head in his hands. He was crazy to think Cheverston was there.

For all he knew, he could be miles away, miserable in his hideout, waiting for the day he would get vengeance.

Sorry for the crappy chapter :/

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