Element war games

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Azaria's Pov:

Yay! Tonight is war game night! It's like Dauntless war games (A/N: if you don't know what that means, SHAME ON YOU!), basically, every junior and senior gathers in the commons and is split into four teams. Then, your team gets a flag, and you have to hide it somewhere and find the other flags using your powers. Whoever gets all of the flags, wins! It's easy.

When everyone is accounted for, we are split into our teams. Thankfully, the gang is on my team. Luca is too. But, we are on good terms. Also on our team are these two air elementals, Greg and John. I like them. they are extremely crazy and nerdy, just like me!

We're in the element building, a building where we learn how to use our powers. We hid the flag in the forest arena, up in a tree. Ten people in the group left to hunt down the flags, while the rest of us stayed behind, guarding.

Suddenly, the room is covered in light. A fire elemental. A group is coming. I jump into a bush and hide. The rest of them follow my lead, but Greg just had to sneeze. Text group looks over, and an earth elemental pushes away the branches of his bush. Out of the blue, I attack the people, making them freeze with my power. A fire elemental trays to get out, but I cover his hands, so that he can't do anything.

My group comes back with the flags. We won! We let out war cries and cheer. Luca looks over, his eyes gleaming with pride and happiness. He looks so handsome with the fireball coming at him shining light on his face. Wait. Backup. Fireball? Oh shít. "Luca!"I scream at him, shooting water at the ball. It extinguished just in time for Luca to look over and get steam in his face. We look over, and there stands a boy glaring at him. "What the hëll is your problem!? You could have KILLED him!" He smirks. I have a feeling we're gonna have some problems.


Hai! I am so excited! I got EMOJIS!

Soooo! How is everyone? I have writers block. Sorry!

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