Shoot me now

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Luca's Pov:

As I enter my dorm room, Azaria's pet hedgehog saddles up to me and curls into a ball, rolling into me. 'What the hell?' I think. ' her hedgehog just attacked me!' My pet cat, Clyde hisses at the creature. "Why the hell did that thing attack me?" I ask, outraged. "Tinley must not like you or something." She says, dryly. What happened to her that's got her knickers in a twist? Oh, that's right! I broke her.


Azaria's Pov:

This. Can't. Be. Happening. He's my roommate. Luca Stevenns is my roommate. My hedgehog, Tinley, charged straight at him, curling into a ball and lodged her spikes into his shin. Oh, did I not mention that every elemental being has a soul animal? It doesn't matter what your power is, it matters what your personality is. For instance, if you are a cocky, arrogant, bigheaded, insensitive bastërd, apparently your animal is a cat. Everyone gets their animal at 16, along with your power. So yeah. Tinley rammed her spikes into his leg, and then his cat hissed and swiped at Tinley, successfully hitting her in the belly. I screamed at the beast and ran forward, cradling Tinley in my arms. "You ãss! Your cat hurt my baby girl! What is wrong with him!" I screamed at Mr. Ãsshat, aka Luca. "Well it's not my fault your thing attacked me!" "Clyde was protecting me!" He yelled in disgust. " You know it's not that big of a deal, just heal her with your powers. Bítch." he said. How dare he?! After everything he's done, he has the audacity to call me a Bitch? Hëll no. It's on ãsshole.

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