The story of my life (Azaria)

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Azaria's Pov:
Flashback to five years ago:
I was at home chilling out with my friends Ben and Jerry (ice cream), watching The Blindside. I heard a knock at the door. When I opened it, I saw two police officers standing on the porch. "Can I help you?" I ask them, letting them in. They tell me to take a seat. I sit down on the couch, when they tell me a piece of information that will change my life forever. My family is dead. They got in a car accident, and my mother, father, sister and brother all died on impact.
I slump back, shocked. They're gone.
It's been a week since I found out. I spend most of my time in my room, refusing to come out. Luca comes over once a day, checking on me. One day, he doesn't come. A day turns into two days, and then a week. Out of the blue, Luca comes back. He tells me that he's leaving. "How COULD you! You're leaving me when I need you most! I HATE YOU! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU BASTËRD!" I yell at him. Why would he do that?
It's been a year since Luca left me, and I'm doing great. I have built walls though. I won't allow myself to get hurt like that again. I got my soul animal. It's a hedgehog that I named Tinley. She is so adorable! I also found out that I'm a water elemental. How cool is that?!
*end of flashback*

Now he's back. I can't ever get close to him, or I will get hurt again. But I have a feeling that it's going to be easier said than done.

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