Hai *duck face*

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Luca's Pov:

I am woken up by Ezra scratching at my chest. I immediately jump up, smelling smoke. "Guys wake up! Something's burning!" I yell at them. The wake up and look around wildly. The oven! We must have left the pizza in there and fell asleep. I run into the kitchen and take take out the pizza, because it doesn't hurt me. I am, after all, a fire elemental. I drop it in the sink putting water on it. Azaria runs in yelling about smoke and her family. The guys look at her questionably. She pales, takes a deep breath, and tells them all about the accident and even told them why she never talks to me. At the end of her story the guys all glare at me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. I didn't think it could get any worse. Until I told them my story.


Azaria's Pov:

He was afraid?! What the hëll?! He left me because he didn't want to hurt me! How sick is that? He could have left a note for me or something, not just up and leaving me when I needed him most. That bastërd. I worried about him day and night, I even slept with a picture of him, begging for him to be safe and okay. Then I see him in the paper. He lit his school on fire. Ultimate bad boy move. Only I know that he didn't choose to be that way. He was hurt too. I realized that Asher's not my true best friend, Luca is. I need my Luck (Luca's nickname) back.

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