Chapter Nineteen

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Ello Sophanators! x

Another long break from my writing, and I'm really sorry about that! Like I said, college and my job take up a lot of time. My semester is almost over and that means weeks of time to write! I hope you are all still liking the story and wanting more. Thank you for sticking around and reading and enjoying the story, you are all angels and I love you all.

Dedication and shoutout go to @bubblebuttcalum because you commented a ton of times and told me how much you loved me and the story and that you wanted more and just compliments that made me so happy! And shoutout to @AmeliaHughey and @Emblem5SOS for the great comments and for checking so much for an update, that means a lot to me! Shoutout to ALL MY FANS for commenting and being the sexiest and most beautifully wonderful people in my life! <33 Dedication and shoutout on the next chapter to the best comment on this chapter :)

More drama in this chapter, but we have a break through with the boys! Stick with me, I promise there is more to the story. I do apologize for the cliffhanger ending again, but it's become my signature thing, and I do enjoy my little cliffhangers. I hope you love this chapter, I worked so hard on this chapter, so I hope you can all see that and that you like it as much as I do! 

Goal for this chaper is 700 reads and 105 votes. Don't forget to comment, vote, fan, and message me! :)

Sophie Horan Tomlinson Irwin Hood Malfoy Grimes Holmes xxxxxx


Chapter Nineteen

Ashton's POV

I watched Calum's eyes roll back and his body crumple forward as he passed out. I felt myself lurch forward, without thinking, and I reached out and grabbed him as he collapsed towards the floor.

I tucked him into my lap, my hands tracing through his hair. For this one moment in time, I didn't think about Calum playing me or using me or hating me, I just wanted him to wake up and look at me.

"What are you playing at?" Luke spat, bringing me back to Earth. I glanced up at him to see the most hateful stare being thrown at me.  "I- I just- I-" I stuttered out.

"Haven't you done enough to him?" Luke hissed, tugging Calum out of my arms and into his own. My eyes darted to Michael's, but he was glaring at me with disgust too.

"Just get out for now. You've hurt Calum enough, just leave for now and let me take care of him, unlike you, who just destroys him," Luke screamed. I scrambled across the floor and headed to the door.

I bit my lip, choking on a sob. I locked eyes with Michael again, who gave me a half-angry yet half-sympathetic look. I glanced at Calum, out cold and in Luke's arms, and the sight tore me to pieces. I wanted Calum so badly. Why didn't he want me?

I left the house, wiping the tears as I walked down the street, and away from everything that mattered to me. I heard the door slam behind me, and Michael screamed my name. "Ashton!"

I turned around and saw him catch up to me. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and slammed me into the side of a house. "What the fuck are you doing?" he spat, pinning my shoulders to the wall.

I shook my head, causing Michael's grip on me to tighten. "That story was complete and utter fucking bullshit. Calum and Luke may have brought your little story, but I don't believe a single fucking shred of it. I know how much you love Calum. I know how hard you fought to call him yours. So don't patronize me with some fucking shit you just made up," Michael hissed.

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