Chapter Three

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Hi everyone!

This is now my third chapter of my Cashton fanfic! I am sorry if there is any spelling or grammar issues, I am in Hawaii and don't have my laptop so I typed this on my phone. I'm also seeing 1D and 5SOS in concert in like 5 days!!!!! For all of you that know me, you know how much this means to me!!!! <3

I had some absolutely amazing and wonderful comments on the last chapter! I couldn't ask for better fans and readers! I did say whoever had the best comment got a shoutout and the chapter dedicated to them. That honor goes to @allthefanfictions! Your comment was amazing and you have been so supportive and sweet so thank you very much!!! <3

I will be doing this on the next chapter too so whoever comments with the best comment will get a shoutout and dedication on the next chapter. My goal for the next chapter is to get at least 225 reads and 20 votes :)

I love all of you sexy people so much! Thank you for being so amazing and supportive! Don't forget to comment, vote, and fan!

Sophie Horan Tomlinson Irwin Hood xxxxxx


Chapter Three

I kept my eyes peeled and watched over the boy's videos to see if I could join. I, however, saw nothing.

I spent all my time practicing the drums. I spent 6-8 hours a day, every day, for a week, practicing to make sure my drumming was the best it could be.

I was in the middle of drumming another song when my brother, Harry, and mum walked into the room. Pulling out my ear piece I stopped drumming.

"What is it?" I asked, my mum was staring at me weirdly. "Why are you practicing so much? You are up here every day for hours on end drumming. Its summer Ashy, go out and have fun."

"I'm trying to see if I can get in a new band. I need to be amazing or they won't consider me. Besides, I'd rather be here on the drums then out there," I said, pointing with the drum stick to outside.

"Ok well I am taking Harry to his football game. Do you want to come support your brother?" "Sorry Harry, I've gotta practice. Next time I promise. Good luck kiddo," I said, ruffling Harry's hair.

"Thanks Ash," Harry said. Harry ran out the door and mum gave me a look. "Dont practice all day. Go out and do something for crying out loud Ashton," she said laughing.

"I will," I replied before sliding the ear piece back in. Mum left and I went back to practice.

After another hour of practice I decided to take a break. I grabbed my laptop and lay down on the bed.

After checking Twitter I decided to go on Facebook. 'Might as well creep on 5 Seconds of Summer,' I thought to myself.

I searched their name and looked at their recent posts. There was nothing exciting. I was just about to close out of Facebook when a post caught my eye.

"Need a drummer ASAP! Gig tomorrow night at the Sydney House of Rock. Please contact us at 514-683-9273 if you are a drummer and would be willing to play with us tomorrow night! Thank you - Lukey, Cal, & Mikey"

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