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I slammed the painted white door shut behind me and let out a few deep breaths of relief. My room was the same as it had been, blue walls, blue carpet, my favourite spotty duvet cover on the bed, my bookcase and my wardrobe with clothes spilling out of the open wooden door. I flopped onto my bed and pulled out my magic notebook, it was red with the Gryffindor lion in the front. I opened it up and pulled a pen from the desk in the corner of the room, before scribbling in a message to the others.

I've arrrived and things are... different to what I expected.

I put down the pen and waited impatiently for someone to reply, luckily, a new message quickly appeared on the faded paper:

ALYSSA: what do you mean 'different'?

ME: well, Tarrken seems... nice.

GISELA: okay, firstly, for the last time, what kind of a name is Tarrken?! and secondly, of course he's gonna act like that! it's not like you shake hands with him, say hi and he suddenly announces that he's a violent phycopath!

ME: I guess... what do you want me to find out?

ALYSSA: personal details.

GISELA: what? like his last name and stuff?

ALYSSA: exactly.

ME: well, I'll see what I can do. bye guys.

I slammed the book shut and sped down the stairs, eager to get this over with. I entered the kitchen only to skid to a halt - there was no one in there, but I could hear the faint hum of voices from the living room.

I stepped into the room and I immediately knew something was different. Don't ask me how I knew, it was just a nagging feeling at the back of my head.My eyes swept over the room, scanning for changes. The fire hissed and spat under the matlepiece, the sofa had its usual mismatched throw pillows spread out on its cushiony surface and all of the photos still hung on the walls. But besides the small, plastic christmas tree that now stood next to the TV, I couldn't find anything different. Then it hit me; the pictures had shrunk. It took me a while to work it out, but I soon noticed that all the pictures that once held my dad, had been either removed, or cut into a smaller phot, removing my dad from the frame. I know it was a small thing, but I felt like punching Tarrken right in the middle of his family ruining, violent, murdering face...

But I didn't.

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