Back to my real home

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Finally, it was time to go back home. Well, technically I was already at 'home' but, it wasn't the same as Hogwarts. I missed everyone like crazy, especially Gisela and Alyssa, I hadn't been able to write to them at all other than the first few nights because Tarrken always seemed to... have his eye on me. The one good thing about the trip was the baby. I had named her Louise, and I must say, I kinda liked having a sister, even if her dad was a psycho. I wasn't sure if he knew what we were up to or not, but the idea that he might sent shivers down my spine. Thankfully, I wouldn't have to spend much longer in this unfamiliar parody of my house. I hated being here without Dad. It wasn't the same. There was less laughter, the house seemed cold and empty, and even worse, mum clearly didn't realise who Tarrken really was. Technically, neither did we, but even though we didn't have proof yet, I was determined that we would get it eventually and expose him for who he really was.

Once Mum had helped me pull the last of my things down the stairs, I was completely packed and ready to go. Trying my best not to act please that I was leaving, I gave the house one last look before saying my goodbyes to Tarrken.

"I hope you have a safe journey, Lena."

"Uh, thanks. I'm sure I will. "

"Oh, and let me know how that Seeker is doing, looked like that bludger hit her pretty hard. "

I stopped dead in my tracks. He was talking about Gisela, and how she had been hit in our last Quidditch match. She was fine now but... How did he even know about that?
I forced myself to calm down.

"Um... Yeah I will... Bye. " and with that I rushed out of the door with Lucky and Dunno in my hands, leaving my mum to drag my trunk out of the door.

As the car pulled up outside Kings Cross, I undid my seatbelt and began to open the door.

"Listen Lena, sweetie, I just wanted to say thanks for coming. I know how hard it must have been for you."

"It was fine mum, really. "

"I mean it, honey, you've been really great with Louise and Tarrken as well. I really do love him, more than I ever loved your dad."

Well. That hurt. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I didn't say anything.

"Tarrken is a great guy, he makes me happy. I'm so pleased you like him. Well, have a nice trip, love, write to me as soon as possible okay?"

"Sure mum" I nodded, "bye, love you. "

"I love you too, Lena. "

And with that, I climbed out of the car.

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