Trophy room conference

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The bell rang and I shoved my books into my bag before filing out of the Muggle studies classroom, Gisela close behind. I had just stepped through the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder; it was Gisela,

"Hey, wait up," she said, "I've told Alyssa, Rebbeca, Selina, Karla and a few others to meet me in the trophy room tonight, to tell them about my dad and... well, you know." I nodded vigorously,

"But, why do you want me there if I already know?" I asked, curious,

"It would be nice to have you there as, you know, support, to back me up," She smiled, anticipating,

"Sure!" I returned the grin alongside a nod, "Of course!" I lifted my sleeve to glance at my watch, "Yay!" I exclaimed happily, "Flying next!" Gisela laughed,

"Professor Burr is so boring, but he doesn't know how to punish us, so we can just do whatever we want!" She laughed and I joined in, untill I was shaking uncontrollably.

Later that night, me and Gisela headed to the trophy room to meet the others, Gisela with her dad's cloak tucked under her jumper. We reached the un-heated room an involinatry shiver ran down my spine, everyone else was already there so we all grouped together into a tight circle,

"So, what's up, Gisela?" Asked Selina, who seemed mildly confused as to why we were all here,

"Um, there is something I need to tell you guys..." Began Gisela and a few murmurs of slight curiosity rippled through our small group, she coughed and continued, "The other day I got a letter - it was about my dad." Gisela paused, and in that split second, our friend Hannah Brierley (Slytherin), cut in,

"What is it, Gisela?" She enquired, her tone like a knife, slicing through the freezing air.

"He-he's in St. Mungo's, he was attacked by a dark wizard and... Well, he sent me his invisibility cloak..." Everyone's mouths dropped open and they all gasped - I couldn't help but smile a little at their shocked expressions, although I guessed that I had looked exactly like that when I had found out. Gisela pulled the cloak out from under her jumper and the soft, weightless material slid over her slender fingers,

"I've only ever seen one of these before!" Exclaimed Karla; who, until then had been unusually quiet,

"Yeah," agreed Grace, "How'd your dad manage to get one?" She asked, her expression a mixture of shock and awe.

"I dunno, he did spend his life chasing dark wizards, I guess I never thought about how he got it..." Gisela said in reply. We all considered this for a moment or two, but then...


My eyes widened, "Guys!" I whispered, "I can hear Owens coming!" We all scurried into different corners of the room in silence. Owens is the school caretaker and was probably the strictest teacher in the school, if he caught us sneaking about after hours; God knows what he would do. Hannah was crouched beside me, the two of us trying to keep our breathing to a minimum. Owens limped in, his nose upturned. I prayed silently that he wouldn't see us. The seconds seemed to tick by like minutes until after what seemed like a lifetime, the sound if footsteps faded away. I breathed a deep sigh of relief and tip-toed out of my hiding place, the others doing the same.

"That was close." Selina stated,

"Too close." Added Rebecca,

"I agree." Said Alyssa quietly, and I realised that it was the first time she had spoken all evening.

"Are you ok, Alyssa?" I asked, anxious, "You seem a lot quieter, and you've had a weird expression ever since Gisela told you about... Well... You know."

"Yeah it's just... I can't shake a feeling that there is something missing..." She trailed off, "It's nothing." She said, I knew there was something, but we had to get out of here, Rebecca was right, that previous encounter had been too close. I expressed my thoughts to everyone else - they all agreed.

Me, Gisela and Grace all headed up to our common room. Grace went to her dorm and Gisela and I to ours, we were so tired we collapsed on our beds and fell straight asleep, without words.

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