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"Wands out please," Jenkins instructed, "And books away, this term we will be focusing on practical magic," the five of us on our table all grinned, practical magic was the best type when it came to DATDA. With a smile, I reached into my backpack and rummaged around for my wand; Oak, 11 inches, with a core of dragon heartstring.

"Now then, who here can produce a fully formed Patronus?" I raised my hand, slowly, I was one of three people in the class who could do it. It wasn't usual for teachers to start on Patronus's the first day back. But I was glad I had practiced over summer, cause' if this was the first class, I had a feeling that this term was gonna be tough. Tough, but fun.

We spent the rest of the lesson working on our Patronus's one by one Professor Jenkins called us into her office to demonstrate our skills without the entire class watching. She poked her head out of the door and called the next name,

"Lena Grandorge?" I gulped and shuffled up the stairs to her office, "Hurry up dear, I haven't got all day," she said as I stepped in. She waved a perfectly manicured hand to indicate I should sit. I took a seat opposite her mahogany desk and fiddled nervously with my wand.

"Now then, Lena," Jenkins said, taking the seat behind the table, "Can you produce a Patronus?" She asked, looking at me with those purple eyes, I took a breath,

"Um, yes Professor, I can." I replied, she raised an eyebrow, clearly not impressed,

"It's okay if you can't," she said,

"I can, honestly!" I said, rather too quickly. She sighed, clearly not believing me,

"Well, would you mind showing me?" She asked, I bit my lip,

"Sure," I replied, trying to sound confident, I took a deep breath and stood up, readying my wand. I counted to three under my breath, meanwhile trying to conjure the happiest memory I could think of. I flicked my wand ever so slightly and a blue wisp appeared, gradually growing bigger until it had fully formed into a roaring tiger. I glanced at Jenkins to see her reaction, she looked slightly shocked, but, unfortunately in that split second, I lost focus and my tiger died down to a wisp of smoke again, until it vanished completely, leaving us standing there in silence.

"Um, very good miss Grandorge, you are dismissed." She stammered and I strolled out, a small smile forming sub-consciously on my face. When I reached the classroom, Gisela, Karla and Alyssa rushed up to me,

"how did it go?" Asked Karla excitedly,

"Did she like you?" Questioned Alyssa,

"Nice work," said Gisela, grinning. She didn't even need to ask. The two of us had met up a couple of times in the summer to practice together, so she's knew I could perform a Patronus. I grinned,

"Thanks, Gisela," I said, "And it went well, or at least, I hope it did," I added in answer to their questions.

Our next lesson was history of magic, aka. The most boring experience of your life. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep roughly 6 or 7 times during Professor Bruno's lecture on... To be honest I don't even remember what it was on, I was barely listening.

The next couple of days were a bit of a blur; we spent our DATDA lessons working on our Patronus's and by now almost everyone could make a reasonable shape, me, Alyssa and Gisela meet up at every possible chance to practice Quidditch and by Friday evening, it was all we could think about.

After dinner I trudged up to the common room, having already finished my homework, I had some time to kill before I went to bed, so I decided to polish my broomstick . I had this little broom-care set with a twig clipper and polishing stuff. It came in a little black case with a snitch painted on the front, it had been a Christmas present from Alyssa and Gisela last year, and with the Gryffindor try-outs the next day, I couldn't see a better time to tend to my firebolt.

I had been sitting in front of the fire for a few minutes, when Gisela came up from dinner,

"Hey," she said, walking up to me, "How come you didn't stay for desert?" She asked, I shrugged,

"Just not very hungry," I replied, turning back to my broom. But Gisela wasn't fooled, she knew me too well,

"Lena, don't be stupid, I know you, you're always hungry," she laughed and I couldn't help joining in,

"Yeah, I was kidding, I wanted to tend to this baby before try-outs tomorrow," I gestured to the firebolt which was resting in my lap,

"Mind if I join you?" She asked, brows raised, I smiled,

"Course not!" I replied, she grinned, then ran upstairs to get her broomstick. We sat down there for a few hours, chatting, polishing and just sorta hanging out, until we could barely keep our eyes open and everyone else had gone up to bed long ago. I pulled on my PJs and rolled into bed.

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