Diagon Alley

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I woke up the next morning at 10 o'clock realising, gratefully, that I had slept through my alarm. I slid out of bed, pulled on some jeans and a T.shirt, dragged a comb through my hair and bounded down the stairs, pulling my sneakers on as I went. I skidded into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of heavily buttered toast, which I shoved hungrily into my mouth,

"Mum, can we go to Diagon Alley now?!" I asked excitedly,

"Ok, ok! Calm dwn, let me get my shoes on," replied my mum, laughing.

A couple of minutes later we were out of the door, in the car and headed towards the centre of London. When at last we reached the Leaky Cauldren I pulled open the door and raced inside, through to the small courtyard outside where the bins were. The bricks slid across in their usual pattern to show the entrance to Diagonal Alley, one of my favourite places. I skipped through the archway and inhaled all the different smells.

"Lena! Lena! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I opened my eyes just as Gisela crashed into me, tackling me with a massive hug. I laughed,

"Good to see you too!" I turned to my mum, "Is it ok if we go off on our own for a bit? We'll meet you back here at 1:00 if that's ok?"

"Sure, sure," My mum replied, nodding her head, "Have fun!" Laughing, the two of us ran down the lanes, giggling uncontrollably.

"So, what pranks have you got planned for this term?" I asked, Gisela smiled mischievously in response,

"you'll see," she said, a big grin plastering her face, "Come on, let's go get our books from Flourish and Blotts!"

"Ok then, let's go." I said, making my way towards the shop.

As we pushed open the door, a small bell tinkled and the old shopkeeper looked up from his counter.

"May I help?" He enquired politely,

"Yeah," replied Gisela,

"We need these books," I added, handing him my book list, he nodded,

"I'm pretty sure we have all these, I'll be back in a tick," He disappeared into the back of the shop and reappeared moments later, two large stacks of books in his arms.

"Here we go, that'll be 25 Galleons, please,"

"Sure thing," I emptied a fistful of clinking coins into his open palm and Gisela and I strolled out of the shop, discussing our plans for the coming term.

We continued our shopping until we had made sure that we had everything on our lists, before meeting our parents outside the leaky cauldron and sitting down to have an ice cream. An hour or two later, I said goodbye to Gisela and me and mum headed back home, to pack my trunk. The train left the next day, and I couldn't wait to go back to school.

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