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"Bye dad!" I pulled him into a hug,

"Goodbye, honey, have a nice term," He replied, his voice muffled because of my unexpected bear-hug.

"I will, dad, love you,"

"Love you too," I smiled and waved at him as I got into the passenger seat of the car, slamming the faded red door shut behind me.

"Right, we're picking up Alyssa and then Gisela, ok?" said my mum, starting the engine,

"Yeah, ok" I replied. In case you were wondering, Alyssa Mckail is mine and Gisela's friend, sadly, she's in Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor, so we don't see her that much. but we try to catch up with her whenever we can, luckily, she's in the same year as us, 2nd, so we have some lessons together, and she's chaser for Ravenclaw Quidditch team, so we see her in matches... although we're normally against each other in that situation... oh well, still counts!

After a couple of minutes, we stopped outside Alyssa's house, she tugged open ther car door and slid into the back seat. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a braid and her blue and grey eyes were sparkling in the sun.

"Hi Lena! Hi Mrs. Grandorge, beautiful day isn't it?" She said, grinning

"Yes dear it is!" replied my mum, beaming back at her as the car started again.

After an hour or so of pleasant chit-chat, the car pulled up outside Gisela's house and she came tumbling throught the open car door and into the seat next to Alyssa, panting.

"What have you been doing now, Gisela?!" I teased,

"Oh stop it! I was a little behind on my packing and had a last minute rush! Thanks for the lift Mrs. Grandorge," She said, I turned around, grinning,

"It's ok dear," replied my mum and within a few seconds we were back on the road.

Me, Gisela and Alyssa, all look pretty much the same, long blonde hair, bluey gray eyes, slim figures, we could have been sisters. We all have pretty much the same personalities as well, except that Alyssa is like, super smart. Not that me and Gisela are stupid or anything, but, Alyssa is just... wow. if you get what I mean. But where Alyssa has a passion for learning... Gisela and I have a passion for pranking. Last year, we painted all of the Hufflepuff's Quidditch brooms purple with neon pink spots, and one of the great things is, we never get caught. Not only that, but as Gisela is a decendant of Godric Gryffindor, she has an invisibility cloak which has been handed down through generations, which makes it alot easier to get around and complete our pranks un-noticed.

My thoughts drifted to Quidditch, I could almost feel the wind on my face as I raced through the air, the icy cold breeze whipping my hair back and numbing my fingers as I reached for the maroon coloured Quaffle...

"SCREEEEEEEECH!" I was snapped out of my day-dreams as the car skidded to a halt just outside of the station.

"WATCH IT MUM!" I cried,

"Sorry darlings, I lost control of the breaks, there was a cat infront of the car!" She replied, a little out of breath, "Off you go now the three of you, have a nice term and be good" She added, putting emphasis on the last two words,

"Well, we'll try but, we can't promise anything Mrs. Grandorge," Said Gisela, a smile plastering her face, I grinned,

"Yeah, Gisela is right, sorry mum, we'll try, love you!" I leant over the seat to hug her and then got out of the car, going round to the back to pull out my things.

A few minutes later we were pushing our trollies through Kings-Cross station, piled with our trunks, our owls, and for me, Lucky's cat carrier. We reached the brick wall between platforms nine and ten and, after checking no muggles were looking, we ran towards the wall at full speed, disappearing through it and onto platform 9 and 3/4. Before us, stood a huge green and red old-fashioned steam train, with the words HOGWARTS EXPRESS. painted at the front. The three of us pushed our trollies towards an open door and stepped inside, dragging our things behind us. We wondered through the long corridor untill we found an empty carrige in which we sat down in and lifted our trunks into the overhead compartment.

When the train started moving, Gisela stood up,

"We should go now, Lena, we have our prefect duties, sorry Alyssa, we'll be back as soon as we can," She strolled out the door and I followed, flashing a quick smile at Ayssa.

When we came back, half an hour or so later, we found Alyssa chatting happily with Rebecca, a fellow Ravenclaw of hers. Like Gisela, (whos last name is Gryffindor) Rebecca Ravenclaw is one of the founders decendants. She smiled at us as we sat back down, tucking her blonde curly hair behind her ears.

"Hi there, Rebecca, nice to see you," I said, looking at her.

"You too, Lena," she said. I nodded and placed my forehead against the train window and closed my eyes.

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