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The waiting was the worst part. When Karla called us to the middle, she announced that the results of the team would be pinned to the notice board in the common room the next day. Sure, we only had to wait one night but still, the suspense was killing us.

The last few hours of the day seemed to tick by slowly, breakfast... Lunch... Dinner... And finally, bed.

The next morning I woke up early once again. After shaking Gisela awake and pulling on a jumper, I trooped downstairs to the common room. I love the Gryffindor common room; the plush red chairs, the blazing fire and the tall windows at the end of the room, it was a great place to relax, talk or do your homework. When our bare feet hit the carpet, we ran over the the notice board, our eyes searching for the right piece of paper, until at last my eyes rested on a crumpled piece of parchment in the corner. I notified Gisela and the two of us leaned in closer, our eyes searching desperately for our names;

Keeper: Karla Millest

1st Chaser: Lena Grandorge

2nd Chaser: Theo Mitchell

3rd Chaser: Zanna Williams

1st Beater: Grace Belton-Saunders

2nd Beater: Thomas Shwazzy

Seeker: Gisela Gryffindor

We both breathed a sigh of relief, we had both made the team and it looked like we had some pretty good teammates. We swaggered down to breakfast with big fat smiles on our faces. For some reason, my bacon sandwich seemed to taste better than usual.

As it was Sunday, we had no lessons, so we met up with a few people and spent the day lounging in the grounds. Alyssa, Rebecca, Selina, Karla, Grace and another Slytherin, Hannah Brierley all came and we just hung out by the lake. Chatting about classes, teachers, Quiditch and playing with the giant squid. We were so tired at the end of the day that we didnt want to go to dinner, so me Gisela and Karla all went up to the common room for a while. As everyone was at dinner, we had the room to our selves, unfortunatly, seeing as we were not at dinner, we got really hungry.

We decided to sneak into the kitchen and steal some food. And when we say 'sneak' what we mean, is walk in, in plain view and take the food. you see, the kitchen elves were pretty laid back and were old friends of ours since the time we had wandered in by accident. So in the end, we went to bed with our stomaches full of chicken and tarts that were left over from the feast.

When we reached the dorm, I was so tired that I flopped onto the bed, pulled the red velvet curtains shut, and fell asleep, still fully clothed.

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