Morning lessons

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I woke up at about 6:00 am the next morning to find Gisela already awake and getting dressed. I sat up, rubbing sleep out of my eyes and clambered out of bed,

"Morning," I said, pulling on my newly bought school robes.

"Morning Lena!" Replied Gisela, a huge grin covering her face, "Ready to do some awesome pranks?" She asked, brow raised. I beamed,

"Of course!" I said as we jammed on our shoes and raced out of the dorm, heading for the great hall. After a few minutes of laughing and chatting about the coming term, we reached the hall where we went to the Gryffindor table and sat down on a bench next to each other, discussing our latest ideas for pranks. I picked up a piece of buttered toast and began to nibble on it, while a boy sitting opposite me (I didn't know his name) ravenously attacked a rash of bacon. Once I had devoured a couple of pieces of toast and a goblet of orange juice, I stood up from the table, hugging my books to my chest. Gisela looked up from her cereal to see me waiting for her to finish, she grinned and got up to join me,

"Let's go," She said, smiling slightly, and the two of us set off for our first lesson of the term; Herbology. When we stepped into the greenhouse we were pleased to find out that our lesson would be with the Ravenclaws, which meant we would be joined by Alyssa. We all found spaces next to each other and mainly talked throughout the entire lesson while our teacher rattled on about poisonous trees. At the end of the class we pushed past some of the other students to get out of the greenhouse where we said our farewells to Alyssa and headed back up to the Castle for potions.

We reached the dungeon and stood outside the doors milling around before the class started. We were joined by the Slytherins today. My piercing blue eyes scanned the crowd until they found our friend Selina Slytherin, descendant of The founder.I didn't know her very well, but she was nice. I gave her a quick wave which she returned briefly before turning back to her conversation with another student.

The lesson was fairly boring, we were making truth potions, which would have been more exciting only me and Gisela already knew all about their properties and how to make them thanks to Rebecca, who knew everything about anything and was also keen to share her knowledge with her friends. When the bell rang to signal the end of class, we gratefully picked up our wands and ran out to the courtyard for break.

After a short chat with Alyssa and Rebecca, Gisela and I headed to our dorm to get what we needed for our next lesson, my favourite; Flying. Professor Burr was teaching it this year. We raced down the grassy hill as fast as our legs would allow us until we reached the Quidditch pitch. We waited for the rest of the class to arrive. Finally the last crowd of Hufflepuffs skipped into the field and Burr introduced himself. We were supposed to be staying only a few metres or so off of the ground, but by a couple of seconds Gisela and I were swooping round the entire pitch, laughing gleefully. A couple of Hufflepuffs joined us and soon nearly the entire class was up in the air. Professor Burr tried desperately to bring us down - failing each time. Eventually, one by one, we drifted back down until our feet rested on the lush green grass.

"That was incredibly irresponsible girls!" Scolded Burr, turning to me and Gisela, "Some of these students have not yet mastered the right techniques, what if one of them had fallen? Hhmm? Then you would be in big trouble, but I won't take any points, consider this a warning," he finished off. The two of us grinned,

"Thanks Professor, we'll be more responsible next time," replied Gisela and he nodded in approval, but when his back was turned, she winked at me and we both cracked up into fits of silent laughter.

The remaining 10 minutes of the lesson were spent by Professor Burr explaining who the captains were this year and how we could sign up for the teams. Tabitha Ogden was the Hufflepuff's captain this year, she was a year above us, but she was nice. A boy named Kai for Slytherin. For Ravenclaw it was another boy, this time called Arthur, I had seen him around school, but I didn't really know him. Gryffindor's captain this year was Karla Kaucky, I breathed a sigh of relief, Karla was one of our best players, I knew she would choose a good team; hopefully one I would be in.

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