Time to make a decision

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The days passed, I was let out of the hospital wing after about a week - I could have sworn that madam Slept was deliberatly trying to keep me there - but anyway. As life went on, my time to make a desicion thinned. Every second of every day, my mind was raging a war with itself. Should I go to visit my mum and her new family? Should I not go? I had no idea. The constant flow of questions swirling through my head made it hard for me to concentrate, my grades were gradually slipping lower, if it weren't for Alyssa, I would have been expelled.

Finally, my friends decided that it was time to make a desicion. Gisela and Alyssa were the only ones who knew about the letter from my mum, requesting me to visit the new born baby, so one night, the three of us met up in an abandoned charms classroom. It was late, so no one was around apart from Peeves - we had to be careful of him, 'cause if he caught us he would go running off to Owens, and then we would be in trouble. Big trouble. Me and Gisela walked in to the room to find Alyssa already there and leaning back on a wooden chair, staring absentmindedly into space. She hadn't noticed us yet so Gisela and I shared a glance - we knew what to do. We tiptoed silently around Alyssa's chair until her back was to us, then...

"BOO!" we shouted in unison, well, we more whispered it really loudly right in her ear, if we had shouted Owens would have come running. Alyssa jolted out of her day dream and span round in her seat,

"What'd you do that for?!" she hissed, Gisela and I just shrugged, smiles creeping onto our faces. It was noce to know that dispite the situation, we could still have a laugh. "Right, no more messing around, we need to get to work." Alyssa said firmly, pulling out a clear sheet of parchment and her eagle-feather quill.

"What are we doing anyway?" I asked, realising that I actually had no clue as to why we had decided to meet up here,

"We are gonna help you make a decisio, of course!" exclaimed Gisela in a hushed tone, I rolled my eyes,

"And how exactly do you plan on doing this?"

"A pros and cons list of course!" beamed Alyssa, sitting up from her desk, her parchment now engraved with two columns, one read the word 'PROs' and the other 'CONs'. I smiled, in our first year, we used to use pro and con lists for everything.

"Okay then." I murmed,

"Lets get to work!" grinned Gisela, "So, lets start with pros of you going to visit you mum, your step dad and their new baby."

"Okay, well for starters, a pro is that I get to name the baby." I said, the two of them nodded in agreement and Alyssa scribbled it down.

"And a con?" asked Alyssa,

"How about the fact that I will have to stay with a mother who never tells me anything, a guy who attacked my best friend's family and their new baby!" I scoffed, blood rushing to my face,

"Woah, calm down, Lena, take it easy." soothed Gisela as Alyssa added it to the list.

So the night wore on, we stayed up all night making our list until we could barely keep our eyes open. Finally, by the time I trooped up to bed, my mind was set and the decision made.

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