65. Both Where We Need To Be

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"Wooh!" Jason shook the bottle of champagne, and popped the bottle open, seeing the foam burst and hit his goggles. He began chugging, and Draven snorted, sitting on a nearby desk and sipping happily on a glass he had poured. Miranda was the one that stopped the chaos, instantly reaching and snatching a second bottle of champagne from Hector who was seconds from doing the same.

Miranda placed the bottle on one of the desk before reaching into the box and grabbing an undisturbed one. She poured a few glasses and handed them to Hector and Eric. "It sucks being the only girl," she said quietly, tilting her head and eyeing the floor of empty desks.

Draven bit his bottom lip, "I'm sorry. I still have to talk to Rebecca—"

"We don't speak cheaters' names on this floor," Jason spat, lowering his goggles from his face and chugging more of the champagne bottle.

To which Draven snorted and glanced towards Eric, who lowered his eyes and awkwardly lifted the glass to his lips.

"And we have to get all our editors back," Hector said exhaustingly, "that's going to be a hassle."

"We can ask all the old ones to come back," Eric suggested, noticing all the eyes turn on him—attempting to avoid Jason's glare. "We must have files of all of the old workers, don't we?"

"Sophie managed that," Draven scratched the side of his face, "she's the only one who can access them."

"You can't access your own employees' files?" Hector exclaimed.

To which he defeatedly raised his hands, "I can, I just don't know which files they're in. I didn't care about that; I only needed to write new comics and show up to events. Sophie took care of everything else."

"Then we have to get Sophie back," Miranda breathed quietly.

Both Draven and Hector shook their heads, and Draven said, "That's most likely never going to happen."

"Not surprised; why did you spill her business to Kyle anyways? I didn't even know those details about your relationship with her."

He furrowed his brows, "I honestly have no idea. Kyle was really good at making someone feel beholden to him, as if he was in control. He asked and I didn't really think twice about telling him."

Hector shrugged his shoulders, "There's nothing we can do about that now. We need to form a plan on how to get all the editors back."

"But first," Jason had retrieved his goggles and before Miranda could stop him, he popped another champagne bottle open and the foam leaked, "let's get hammered!"


Draven was unable to stop himself from staring at Eric's blond curls bouncing as he stepped towards the entrance door and unlocked it. They had been living in Draven's home together for about six months, and they had not been affectionate at all since Draven's focus needed to be on retrieving his work, and diverting his attention on romantic emotions would only further him from his goal.

Hence why, Draven closed the door behind him and ignored his thoughts, yawning and heading for the kitchen behind Eric.

It was only when Eric spoke that he felt his heart palpitate, "I can feel you staring at me."

Draven scratched the side of his face and reached inside the fridge for his bottle of orange juice, "I'm sorry." Draven was tipsy from the Champagne party they had at the agency, and oddly enough, his sexual desires were hard to extinguish.

Eric laughed, "It's alright. Can you pour some orange juice as well?"

"Yea," he reached for the cabinet and grabbed another glass, "of course."

"I still can't believe you got hired back."

"The floor was exactly how I left it. Now we have to clean the champagne bottles and everything but...I'm glad I have my work back."

"It took four months but now he know how much you value him," Eric smiled, taking a sip from the glass. "I'm proud of you."

Draven felt his cheeks spike red, and he glanced elsewhere, "Thank you."

"You should thank yourself," Eric began stepping around him, "you did it because you wanted to—" as he was walking away with the glass of juice, Draven had reached for his other wrist and stopped him. Eric felt tingles where his fingers touched, and Draven sighed, pulling apart the next second.

"I didn't mean to do that," Draven lied immediately; they had not spoken about their feelings in months. And he wondered if Eric even felt the same way anymore, "I'm sorry—"

"Draven," Eric faced him and placed the glass of juice on the counter, "I know what you're thinking because I'm thinking the same thing too. For some reason, today I haven't stopped thinking about...wanting you."

Draven's heart skipped a beat.

"But," Eric cleared his throat and lowered his eyes, "I don't want to ruin everything, knowing how hard you've been working."

After a short pause, Draven stepped towards him, "Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do."

"And you know that I love you," Draven had a small smile. "But you're right," he stepped backwards apart from Eric, distancing himself, "let's wait until we're both where we need to be."

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