24. Unforgivable

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"I didn't think you'd come," Eric said uneasily.

Draven shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't either." He glanced elsewhere for a moment since Eric's worried eyes was making it much harder for Draven to maintain his composure.

Eric was breathless, as always admiring Draven's endearing features. From the way his messy black straight hair floated in front of his face that he repeatedly sent backwards. His light blue eyes had always been inviting, and his physique was always a hard feature Eric had to glance away from. He was even shocked by how well Draven appeared; for someone who hadn't been amongst society for weeks, barricaded in his home, he had thought at least bags would be under his eyes.

But he seemed as normal, handsome and sweet as ever, which hurt Eric even worse.

Strangely enough, it was Draven that started the confrontation, "How could you have done this to me?"

Eric lowered his eyes to the sand for a few seconds, "Draven—"

"I've done nothing but love you. When you needed a job, I gave you one even when you came three hours late with no shoes, remember that? When Jason and Miranda would leave you at bars, I'd pick you up. When Justin got in your face, I protected you. I even made you co-author. When Melissa passed, I went to the showing with you even after you cheated on me. I went to the funeral with you, stayed at your house."

Eric opened his mouth to speak but Draven interrupted him, "When you left to find yourself, I believed you. So I waited...for five fucking years, five." Draven had cried the first few days that he thought he had not tears left. Guess he always did surprise himself, "Even with the drama between us, I would buy your books and read them. I never even dated because my love was meant to be for you and you only. All I've done was love you, Eric. That's all I ever did."

Eric bit his bottom lip, "I know you have."

"Then why say all those things? I know they were lies, but why those things specifically? Out of everyone you've ever known, you know I could never...ever put my hands on you. Do you really believe I could do something like that?"

"No, of course not."

His teeth gritted, and in a low growl, he said, "Then why would you say those things?"

Eric paused for a moment, feeling guilt roaming inside his flesh and he could barely stare into Draven's eyes. They were growing teary, and all Eric wanted to do was embrace him. The agony twisting Draven's face was enough to cause Eric's heartbreak to increase, and he cleared his throat after a few seconds, muttering, "Kyle is—"

"Stop blaming all this shit on Kyle!" Draven cried, his tears leaking from his eyes as he stepped forward aggressively. He widened his arms violently, "The one that's giving power to Kyle so he can do all this fucking shit is you! He's saying all those things because he's with you! And you could've said no!"

Eric was shaking, "I couldn't Draven—"

"Why?! Did you ever care about me?! Did you ever even love me?"

Eric inhaled a sharp breath, his lips beginning to tremble and his eyes growing teary as well. He had never thought facing Draven would be this difficult, and it pained him even more that he couldn't console Draven, rather he was the one that had done the hurting.

His throat was clenching on itself, and he whispered, "I did—"

"I'm in pain Eric!" Draven admitted through sniffs of his sobbing. His voice was beginning to coil, and he gripped his chest, veins showing on his flexing hand, "I'm hurting so bad and I can't do anything about it! You destroyed me, and what we could've had."

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