66. I Want You Back On My Team

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"It's deserted in here," she whispered quietly, shaking her head when he offered the cup of coffee.

"Took a wrong turn a few months back—I insist," Draven smiled, pushing the coffee further towards her. Rebecca uneasily reached for the coffee cup, feeling the warmth from the cup tickle her cold palms. She shuffled in her seat and took a sip, to which she beamed when the sweet taste was the one she favoured, which she didn't think he did. Draven noticed her shock and he tilted his head, "Jason told me."

Instantly, she lowered her eyes and bit her bottom lip. "I asked him if it would be okay to meet with you and he said yea. As much as you hurt that boy, he still really care a lot about you."

She sighed, "I know I messed up, and I never meant to. I was stuck on exotic and playful times with Kyle that I hurt Jason in the process."

"I want to know how that situation happened, Rebecca," Draven's voice tightened, and he leaned forward in his seat. Rebecca noticed his eyes become slightly narrowed, as if the simple thought of Kyle made his skin crawl. "How did you start seeing him?"

Rebecca seemed reluctant, but eventually she nodded her head. "Do you remember when I told you about my mom?"

"Your biological mother or—"

"No," she seemed saddened, "the woman that raised me; my second mom."

"Doesn't she live in England?"

Slowly, Rebecca nodded her head. "She moved there about six years ago, and I never had the chance to visit her since money was always an issue."

"I remember you talking to me about her," he said, "go on."

Her bottom lip began quivering, "I was supposed to go visit her in the beginning of the year, but I received a call from her sister saying that Manda had been hit by a truck and had been in a coma for a few days."

Draven inhaled a sharp breath.

"Around the same time, Kyle sent me email and I was vulnerable and decided to meet with him. I wasn't on good terms with Jason since we were arguing more than ever." Rebecca sighed, sending her trembling fingers through her hair, "Kyle gave me hope."

"Kyle gave us all hope," Draven whispered quietly, tilting his head. He engulfed Eric when Eric still dealt with the loss of his best friend, and was vulnerable. He engulfed Draven when he had been told that Eric was in love with two people, after long years of waiting for Eric to return to him. Kyle was a manipulator by nature, and Draven shook his head.

"It was never about you, Draven. When he asked me to give him a copy the new comic book, it was never to hurt you. It was to please Kyle; I was sucked into him so bad that it felt as if my whole entire world revolved only around him."

Draven tilted his head, "You still hurt people, Rebecca. I know Kyle has a lot to do with this, but you need to also take accountability for your actions." He pointed to himself, "You betrayed my trust, and you broke Jason's heart."

Her eyes grew teary, "I'm really sorry about that Draven, I really am. You guys were the only people I had, Jason loved me and I miss his company. You guys were my best friends, I never meant for it to become this way."

"I'm not only here to ask about what happened Rebecca," he leaned forward, "I want you back on my team."

Her eyes widened instantly, and she inhaled a sharp breath, "Y-You what?"

"You're apart of the team, you've always been. And I know how detrimental Kyle can be, I experienced it first hand. I'm willing to give you another chance if you—" she burst into tears before Draven could finish his sentence.

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