4. New Project

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They had been speeding across the city, attempting to find Draven's navy Rolls-Royce in panic. When Rebecca and Miranda had headed to his home, he was nowhere to be found. His blanket was on the ground, there was no puke, and the water bottles were all empty. He had left, and they had no idea where.

Jason was on the phone with them, walking into the building, "You sure he's not asleep somewhere?"

"We even checked the backyard. Miranda went driving around, I'm staying here in case he comes back."

"I'm taking the stairs right now, the elevator was packed. Maybe he left to grab a snack—"

"He was drunk as hell last night, there's no way he would have the energy to buy himself a snack. He would be sleeping right now."

"Then where could he be—oh shit."

Jason had walked onto their floor, and his mouth fell open.

Draven was sitting on one of the desks, wearing black sweatpants, a plain white-shirt, sneakers and it was noticeable that he had waken up shortly prior. When he saw Jason, he waved, but his droopy eyes did not move.

"He's here," Jason breathed.

Rebecca inhaled a sharp breath, "He's at the office?"

"Yes, and he doesn't look good—"

"Jason, take a seat, I'm about to announce the new project I want everyone to be working on."

In front of Draven was a huge folder filled with papers, and Jason, uncertain whether to stop him or remain quiet, alertedly walked to his seat. Then, he was asked, "Tell Rebecca and Miranda to meet me at my home in a few? I'm not staying, I'm only here to deliver this new project then I'll head home for the day."

"Rebecca, are you still there?"

"Yea, I'm getting in my car now—"

"Stay there," Jason said, "he's coming to you in a few minutes. He'll explain everything when he gets there."

Uneasily, she obeyed, "Alright then, call me later."

Jason hung up the phone, and Draven, noticing most seats were filled, had a long bright smile on his face.

"Alright!" He clamped his hands together excitingly, "How are you all doing today? I know you have all been working on different projects, but I'm putting everything on hold for a few days. We will all be working on this one."

He opened the folder, and on the front of one of the pages was written the title, Losing Us for Selfish You.

All Jason could think in his head at the moment was, there's no way he did this.

"It's a fiction romance novel. Basically it is about a villain named Ellic, who manipulated the main character, Lance, into loving him. Lance was successful, and Ellic knew he could take advantage of him, so he did. The story has more details than that, but basically Ellic is a delusional," his teeth gritted as the image of Eric crossed his mind, "sick, unworthy, arrogant, low-life, evil, malicious, money hungry bastard."

A silence fell onto the room, editors confused as they stared amongst one another.

Draven regained his composure, clearing his throat before pulling a bunch of packets from the folder, "Each of these packets have your roles. I wrote four chapters last night, and I want all of them to be published in six days. Those need to be edited meticulously, and I will go over them once you've all done your jobs. The design needs to be refined, the cover page needs touch all—everything needs to be done in six days. If you don't get it done," Draven furrowed his brow, "that means I can't trust you and you'll be fired."

He pointed to his secretary, "Make sure everyone gets a packet. You," he motioned to Jason, "make sure they get what they need to do, each of them. I'll be heading back, tell me how it's going after you're done working on it today." Jason slowly nodded his head, and Draven noticed the strange look he was receiving. "Why are you giving me that look?"

"Are you sure this is the route you want to take?"

"Don't question me," Draven hissed before walking to the elevator and returned to the first floor.

The moment he drove into his driveway, Miranda, Rebecca and Hector, who had just arrived, had glares on their faces.

"Are you kidding me?!" Miranda shrieked, all three of them following Draven inside the home. "A new fictional romantic project?!"

"Yes, yes indeed," he smirked.

"You find this funny?" Hector was the next to speak, slamming his fist against the kitchen counter and Draven made his way around for a glass of water. "What about your other projects due at the end of this week?"

"They're all going to be placed on hold."

"Draven, you need to re-think this decision. This could bring your entire success down—"

"Is that so, Rebecca?"

"Yes!" Miranda was livid, answering before Rebecca could, "It is so! You have never mentioned this project before meaning this was new from last night, and you're probably still drunk and not thinking straight."

"I'm not drunk."

"Then why are you being this difficult? Call the project off," Hector exclaimed.

Draven laughed, "Why do you act as if you're my boss at times? I don't even respect you."

"You respect me though, don't you?" Miranda stepped in front of Hector with stern eyes, "You do, right? Then call this project off, please. Or at least make two editors work on it and have it published in a month or two, but stopping everything else to get it done in six days is irrational."

Draven, with a smirk on his face, placed a palm on Miranda's shoulder, "I do respect you, lots. I just...don't care what you have to say for this one, sorry."

Rebecca was furious and knew she needed to leave before she escalated the situation. However, she said, "I didn't start working for you because you wrote stories whenever you wanted to be dramatic and hurt people. I'm heading home for the day, do whatever you want but I'm not working on this stupid revenge project."

"Yea, me neither." Miranda shrugged her shoulders, "You're on your own for this one."

"Then what are you going to do? Not show up for work?"

"I'll work on your actual projects, asshole. The ones that don't stem from stupid drama and you wanting people to pity you," Rebecca shouted. "One of these days, you're going to have to realize Eric doesn't care about you, not one bit. You're going too far for someone that won't even bat an eye at you."

She began stomping her feet towards the front entrance, and Miranda followed behind her, "When you're done being childish, let me know."

"Then don't come to work," Draven snarled.

"I wasn't planning to!" Rebecca yelled back, and Miranda slammed the door behind her.

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