50. I Quit (II)

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The laughter from Kyle had sparked a fire within all of their stomachs, Miranda unable to withhold the disgust she felt from plastering on her face. Hector's palms had bawled into fists, and Jason was barely able to hold himself from lunging towards Kyle; part of the reason he had not yet was because of Draven standing in the way.

It upset Miranda that Draven was choosing his fake romance with Kyle over the ones who had stuck by his side for years. They had been there before he even met Eric, and they had struggled with him through all his obstacles. They had been here for all the wrong decisions he made, and had supported him even if their opinions were different. When he had written the fictional novel only to get back at Eric, they still defended him.

But he happily watched Sophie walk away from his office in tears, and allowed Kyle to laugh and say, "Bummer."

"I can't believe you're letting this happen, Draven," Miranda scolded, causing Draven to frown.

"I'm not letting anything happen—"

"You're choosing this man that has hurt you so many times, over us! Your family!"

"You guys are making it like that," Draven exclaimed, widening his arms. "It was fine when you all didn't know; I had sex with him and still came into work and did my thing."

Jason tilted his head, "How can you really not see what's wrong with you being with Kyle?"

"We're not together Jason—"

"Basically you are since he comes here almost everyday and waits for you to finish work," Hector snapped.

Kyle was the one to respond next, "We're not together."

"I know we're not," Draven hissed at him, to which Kyle raised his eyebrows.

"Why are you getting offended by what I'm saying?"

"I'm not," he spat.

"You like him," Miranda whispered, her eyes widening. Both their faces turned, eyes widening and Miranda simply nodded her head, "You definitely like him."

His tongue ran dry, and he immediately turned away. "N-No," he stammered, feeling Kyle's eyes burning the side of his face, "No I d-don't."

"Yes, you do," Jason breathed quietly. Then, he slammed his fist against the door, "I can't believe you'd do that to us Draven!"

"He hasn't done anything to any of you except hand you all the money in the world for shit all in return!" Kyle laughed.

"How about you shut up?" Hector stepped towards Kyle to which Draven pushed him back.

"Guys, let's figure something out, okay?" he pleaded, glancing towards Kyle and his employees.

But Miranda shook her head, lowering her eyes for a minute. Then, after her short pause, she snatched the badge from her chest, and moments later, Jason did the same.

"I quit, I'm sorry," she whispered, throwing the badge on his desk.

Jason nodded his head, "Yea, I'm out of here."


"That's better for you Draven," Kyle snorted, "they didn't do anything for you anyways."

None of them even paid attention to Kyle anymore,-'d Miranda reached for the doorknob, "I hope you figure yourself out soon because I want to work here, but not with you like this."

Hector nodded his head, "I'm going to ask the Chancellor to switch me; it was nice working with you Draven."

As they all three began exiting the office, Draven attempted to follow them, "You guys—"

"Don't worry about them D," Kyle reached for his wrist and pulled him backwards, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "They'll come around soon enough."

Draven felt locked in Kyle's grasp, and he bit his bottom lip before pointing to them, "Those people are my family—"

"Family wouldn't leave you like this; I guess they showed their true colours."


"Don't worry," he pecked Draven's neck, "we'll be a way better team."

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