70. Merchi Isn't Crazy

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"It was difficult; I was always the person with everything and after I lost everything, it kind of...humbled me, realizing that that could happen. I always thought that nobody would ever dare leave me because I was giving them everything they needed in life. Truth was, I wasn't giving them anything near enough what they deserved."

"Alcohol really messed me up, and I didn't think it would. But I'd come to work drunk almost everyday for about a month before I was fired. Not because I wanted to be, but the alcohol made me feel as if I had everything again. It really was a numbing drink, and made me believe that everyone else was wrong and they would come back."

"It took months for me to get them back, over half a year for me to get my job back. But I worked for it, made me realized how much it meant to me and everybody else working around me. It also made me realize the people I unintentionally hurt, those who didn't deserve it. I know I'm not forgiven in multiple hearts, and I wanted to simply restate that I am sorry."

Draven was at his press conference for his new book release titled Humbling Man and the audience was surprised on how mature Draven had become ever since the last time he had been in public.

"Draven, what have you done with your relationships with Eric and Kyle?"

Draven snorted, "That's none of your concerns, sit down please and thanks."

"What about the rumours that Kyle Merchi was going to have you shot?"

There was a pause, and Draven furrowed his brows, "Excuse-me?"

The reporter repeated, "The rumours that Kyle Merchi was angry and would have you shot?"

"Merchi isn't that crazy," Draven spoke, but his stomach was twirling, "he would never do such a thing. Besides, Merchi and I never ended on bad terms. Next question."

"Kyle Merchi tweeted that at this live press conference, he would have Draven H. Malcom pay for what he has done to him; what do you make of that?"

Draven had been blocked off from social media by Eric, focused on the new comic novel he was writing, that he had not heard of any of these tweets. Plus, he had avoided listening to the news and nobody had informed him of these rumours.

Hector, who had been standing behind Draven, leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "We didn't want to worry you."

Draven's head violently turned to him, "It's true?"

"He did tweet that, but it's been taken care of; he's not allowed anywhere near this building."

"He could easily get someone else to do something to me, Hector. And he's smart, he'll easily get through security." Draven stormed to his feet, "He's a lunatic, we both know that." Frightened, Draven raised his hand towards the audience, "That's all the time I have for today—"

"That's all the time you have for today?" They heard a loud voice echo across the gigantic hall, and a figure from the back began walking forward. "But we're not done yet, no we're far from being done."

Draven recognized the voice immediately, and his first instinct was to attempt in sprinting towards the exit doors towards the rest of the team. Except there was a gunshot towards the ceiling and everyone screamed, getting down.

"You make one more move D, and I'm blowing this random guy's head off."

"Alright," Draven raised his hand defeatedly, his shaky breath heard through his mic, "Alright."

There was numerous people backstage, his senior editors, Sophie and Eric being apart of them, and they all watched the screens, seeing Draven's raised hands and Kyle Merchi come into view with a gun in his hand.

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