11. Suspended

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"Are you out of your god damn mind?"

Draven's pen stopped swivelling and he lifted his eyes, pushing his glasses onto the top of his head. Hector had barged into his office, that he thought had been locked, and was furious, his eyes in such rage that Draven thought he was frightened for a second. Until he remembered it was merely Hector, and he placed his glasses back on his nose and continued writing his chapter.

"Hey!" Hector exclaimed, offended by the lack of response, "Don't ignore me!"

"Hector, it's seven in the morning, none of the editors and in yet and you're shouting." Draven sounded irritated, shaking his head after a low sigh, "Can you at least wait until I've had my coffee?"

"What you did at your conference was immature and inappropriate."

"I'm glad you feel that way," Draven forced a smile. "Can you leave now?"

"I think you're forgetting that I'm your manager, so whatever you do, I'm responsible for it. I have a meeting with the Chancellor to discuss this; I'm going to get you suspended for this."

"I think you fail to realize that without me, you would be jobless. So if I was you, I'd have a bit more gratitude," Draven snapped.

Hector's bottom lip fell, his mouth gaping in shock. Then, his teeth gritted and he hissed, "You think you're all high and mighty just because of your fame, but to be honest, you're really nothing—"

"Then leave!" Draven stormed to his feet violently, "No one asked for you to be here! You keep popping up and expecting me to respect you, when you honestly don't do anything all day."

Draven never retorted in that manner, finding any possible way to offend him and make him leave the office. Usually, he remained collected and listened patiently for Hector to finish complaining. However, it was clear that he was in a horrible mood, and Hector was unfortunately in the line of fire.

Hector slammed his foot on the floor, "I expect an apology from you later. I have the meeting with the Chancellor; I hope you will be reasonable by the time I get back."

"Bye," Draven scoffed, shaking his head dismissively.

Hector heaved a long sigh before storming from the office and slamming the door behind him. That was how Draven behaved the entire day; arrogant, rude, and moody. Even when his secretary attempted to deliver documents he needed to sign, he asked her to slide it underneath her door and to, "stop bothering me."

Miranda and Rebecca, concerned, knocked on the door and asked if he wanted a coffee and he didn't even respond, growling an annoyed sigh and rolling his eyes. It was not that he didn't want to talk to him, he simply didn't want to be scolded. None of them understood him, and continuously told him to stop caring about Eric, as if it was a switch he could switch off in a second.

Don't they think that if I could, I would?! he exclaimed in his thoughts, shaking his head as he scribbled along the pages.

It was not long until the Chancellor knocked on the door, and entered the office, followed by Hector behind him. The door shut, and the Chancellor grabbed a seat across from Draven, who set his glasses down on his desk.

"Draven, Hector has brought to my attention that you may be suffering from an emotional breakdown, which is causing you to make irrational decisions—"

"Irrational decisions such as what?" Draven leaned forward challengingly.

The Chancellor furrowed his eyebrows, his forehead filled with wrinkles as he glanced towards Hector before adding, "Writing the comic book, wanting to fire everyone, going on a rampage during the conference—"

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