Chapter Twenty Six.

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"The Return."


"Y'all took your time."

Ruby said as she turned to see the four enter the gate that Mitch had opened up for them.

Clementine only smiled softly with a nod of acknowledgment as she walked over to one of the picnic tables with Louis and Violet. Louis smirked as he spoke in a phrase while lifting his bag full of food on to the wooden table.

"How poor are they that not have patience."

Willy, who previously was on watch with Mitch rushed down the man built stairs on the wall and rushed over to the small gathering at the tables. His eyes bugged widely as his mouth practically watered upon seeing all the food before he excitedly began to call out to the others, in which began to answer his call as they made way over to the table.

Mitch took one last look around the entrance before joining the others as, he too, had wide eyes.

"That's, like, a lot of food."

"Observant as ever, Mitch"

Louis said before he was interupted by Aasim as he took this time to speak up. 

"I can't believe this.. look at it. I don't remember the last time we had this much food gathered at once.."

"Where did you find all this?"

Another voice spoke up, in which Louis answered for Clementine and Violet.

"The old train station. Clem knew where it was."

Brody finally joined them, which they only were able to hear what Louis had said.

"Train station... but, that's outside the safe zone."

"Yeah, well, we would have a whole lot more. But we ran into the creep that fucked up our fish traps." Violet hissed out in frusteration, before Brody continued to ponder on their story.

"Creep? What creep?"

"The same one Clem seen smoking those nasty ass bible cigarettes."

Louis explained as Clementine took this chance to jump into the conversation.

"He had weird different-coloured eyes."

"He.. he didn't follow you, right?"

"No, I let him have some of the food. Then we lost track of him in the swarm of walkers."

Clementine's eyes narrowed at Brody as she saw the quick flash of what she could only assume was realization crossing her features. She knew that something bigger was happening here, bigger than what these people knew, and Brody seemed to  know exactly what it was. Watching as Brody raised a hand to rub her forehead, her brows furrowing upward as she began to mumble.

"You.. let him take our food? What the fuck??!"

The red head snapped at Clementine, whose brown eyes widened as she leaned back, meanwhile Brody made those standing in between them take a step back as she moved closer to Clem.

"Now he knows we're out here and he'll come back for more!"

"He held us at gun point! If I hadn't given him the portion he had taken, he would have shot us and taken all of the food! I made the right call."

"Bullshit! You don't know what people are capable of out there!"

Clementine huffed as she her eyes narrowed once more at Brody's words, standing up straighter as she forced herself to tower over the female.

"Think again."

Brody's icey blue eyes now widened as she took a step back, slowly begining to hyperventilate.

"I just can't... I won't... Just. Not again.. fuck!"

"What the hell's going on here?"

A new voice spoke loudly with firm, everyone turned their gaze only to see it was Marlon, who now was kind enough to join the conversation. Without hesitation, Brody spoke up.

"She took them outside the safe zone... they SAW someone! You know what this means?!"

Marlon took a deep breath as he smoke in a more calmer tone towards the panicked female.

"It just means there's a hungry guy out there looking for food. Its happened before. You're overreacting-"

"You CAN'T be serious!"


Marlon snapped, his booming voiced cause everyone in hearing range to jump ever so slightly. Once he realized what he had done, he sighed and shook his head tiredly, reaching a hand out to grab her arm.

"Come on, let's go somewhere and talk about this."

Before he was able to pull her along with him to a more secluded area, her eyes burned with fury as she swiftly thrusted her hands and arms forward. Knocking Marlon off his feet as he flew to the ground while Brody took one step towards Clementine, holding a finger up to point angrily.

"If ANYTHING happens... I'm holding YOU responsible!"

She screamed before storming off towards the old school building. Marlon pushed himself off of the ground as he stood next to the suddenly accused female.

"Look Clem. You helped us.. you did. time consult with us first before doing that again."

"I'm sorry I broke the rules, but we gained a lot of food from it."

"I know. I know... just, you and the other go and enjoy it, you earned it.. I'll.. I'll go talk to Brody."

He said before heading off into the direction where Brody had marched off into. Clementine couldn't help but to feel a dreadful feeling pooling at the put of her stomach as she held her own suspicions for those here at the school.

More specifically Marlon and Brody.

She turned and joined the table where Tenn, AJ, and Violet sat. After taking a few bites of their meal, Violet broke the silence first.

"Ever since we lost (Y/n), Minnie and Sophie, Brody's been freaked out about anything that happens past the safe zone... she'll be all right eventually."

Aasim took this time to join in the conversation as he walked over and took a seat next to Tenn.

"Still. We should make sure that this is a one-time thing. We can take Rosy out in the moring, see if she catches a scent. You'know, just in case." He said as he began to eat his portion of the meal.

After another moment of silence, Violet pushed her bowl away from her as she stood up. "I'm gonna go clean up." She said in a soft tone before turning to leave, before the darker female to call out to her blond friend, Tenn spoke up. 

"Don't worry, they're just sad."


"Louis left a little while ago too, before you joined. It was around this time a year ago that my sisters died and over a year when (Y/n) died. I think it's starting to get to everyone."

Clementine sighed sadly. "Everyone has baggage."

In which recieved a sour chuckle from Aasim as he shook his head.

"You have no idea..."


word count of 1171.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Created on December 30th, 2019

-Published on January 1st, 2020.

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