A/N, Explanation

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Hello everyone! so, early into the story and already having an author note! Fun!

Anyways. First thing I'm going to go over is the ages, years and age consents for this said story.  

With my research on the Walking Dead Game, I believe that its been nine years since the beginning of season 1, when the apocalypse started, up until the first episode of Season 4, which is current. Since right now there has been no actual statement of the new character's age, I will have it so that Louis and Marlon will be 19 in current times to fit ages throughout the story along with the age of consent.

Where I'm from, age of consent for sexual activity is 16 (EvenThough I KnowManyWhoHasDoneItYounger and this story is in the apocalypse. No one yet everyone cares.) Though, when it comes to 'dating' in general, it is accepted at an earlier age, which helps and works for my story. xD

Even though this story will not actually label any actual ages, and most likely just the year of the apocalypse current state, this is just an explanation to help those feel comfortable with topics such as these. 


Not wanting to sound desprate, but I kinda am so, please spread the word about this story! Vote, comment, however! It would mean a ton ^^. 

 Thank you all for sticking around and the help would be much appreciated. ^^ Hope you all have a great day/evening! Take care!

-Published on August 25, 2018.

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