Chapter One.

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Chapter One.
"A Friend"


“Who’s (Y/N)?”

The soft voice of Clementine pulled Violet out of her drowning thoughts. Taking a breath as she shook her head sadly, “A friend,” she said before glancing into the direction of where Louis had stormed off into, “And more than a friend.” ending the conversation off with that statement, Violet turned to face the two with a nod before walking off to do her own thing and leaving the duo behind.

“Clem? What did she mean by ‘more than a friend’? Who’s (Y/N)? Where is she?” the questioned poured out of the child like a waterfall, Clementine barely catching anything he was saying.
“AJ.” She finally said with a stern voice, which lead to the male of the two, to settle down as he anxiously waited for her to speak. Getting down onto a knee as she looked into AJ’s brown eyes, “uhm,'s like any other friendship, but doubled."

“So, like us right? Cause you care a lot about me and I care a lot about you!”

“Not exactly…” Clem trailed off with a nervous chuckle, switching to the next questions to avoid explaining anything more about the previous comment as she believed that AJ was much to young to understand that talk.
"I don’t know who this (Y/N) is. But seems like everyone was close friends with them. As for where they are..I'm not sure..” she spoke as she thought back to everyone's reactions to the shout of person's name during the recent fight.

“Maybe she’s on a hunt and they all miss her?”

“Let's hope so buddy.. let's hope so..”


Louis stomped his way down the small hallway only to come face to face with two large double doors. Opening one with swift force and  turning around as he slammed it shut, his hands placed flat on the damaged wood, followed by his forehead as his eyes clamped shut. His shoulders shook with each heated trembled that encaved his body along with laboured breathing as he slowly slid to his knees, his hands curled into fists that clenched so tightly, making his knuckles turn white. His heavy breathing quieted down and was replaced with soft sniffles and soon followed by faint dripping.

Louis opened his eyes as he stared at the ground, seeing  small, wet circles form. Then another wet circle appeared, and another, and another. This continued on for a few more seconds before Louis lifted a shaky hand, from the surface of the door in front of him, and lifted it to his face as he brushed his fingertips along his cheek. It felt warm and wet, it was at this moment when it all hit him and he realized what was causing the wet puddles below him. Tears.

A strangled cry barely escaped past his lips as he lowered his head into his hands. The tears poured for what felt like years to the boy, but he didn't care, that was the least of his worries. As he managed to stop the cried and rivers of tears from flowing, he moved his hands away from his face as he could see that his palms were filled with wet tears. Chuckling sourly as he wiped his eyes, "I must seem pathetic.." he muttered to himself as he took a few moments to collect himself a bit more before standing back up.

He turned to face the room that he had once so angrily stormed into and saw it was the room that contained the piano. His piano. He immediately walked over to the piano and took a seat in it’s stool. Wiping his damp hands on his tanned jacket before gliding them over the faded keys of the instrument; not wasting another moment, he began to play. Every tense feeling of his muscles slowly began to relax and drift away to each piece of music sounded, his aching heart and soul filled with heavy emotions poured into his fingertips as they danced across the smoothe surface, creating more of the sweet, yet mellow melody.

He continued on and on endlessly as minutes turned into hours of playing every music piece he could think of.  His aching heart pulsed like crazy as he practically could hear it deep within his mind. By the end of each song, instead of healing the heart, it only left it heavier than before. Until it got to the point he could no longer continue. His still hands in place as his brown eyes blinked slowly, taking a slow deep breath as he could feel the throb in his head decrease. The painful beating his heart gave had finally calmed to a normal, steady beat. Louis sighed as he leaned back, rubbing his face with his hands as he stared up at the ceiling with his tired eyes. He could feel each joint and muscle in his body grow exhausted and sore due to the eventful day. Barely keeping his eyes open, he stood from his stool and left to his room early to turn in for the night. Dinner suddenly didn't seem all that important anymore as all he wanted to do was sleep and let darkness take him away from this world. Away from the harsh reality that he must suffer through. Once arriving to his dorm room he plopped himself onto the comfortable mattress that he has been calling as his bed for as long as he  could remember. That night, it didn't take long for his wish of darkness to come true as he soon became dead to the world.


Edited ✔
-Feb 2019
Wooo! Next part!
Please let me know thoughts and opinions of the story.  I'd love to know so that if I need to improve or change thing, I can.
And also, im open to ideas, so if any on you guys got any, please comment if. Much would be aprreciated!

And hehe, you'll be showing up soon!  ^^


-word count of 1003.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Published on August, 23, 2018.

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