Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:
"The Campout"


After a surprisingly peaceful looting session, the groups then met back at the house where the designed campout would take place. Gavin discussing some of the steps for setting up camp for the night while Skylar did what he could with a pile of dirt he brought in from outside along with some sticks to start a small fire.

Those who were currently present from the looting, more so the younger members, were going through some of the supplies that was found; a couple cans of beans, few new knifes, and a couple clothing materials that weren't completely damaged over the rough years.

A grunt was heard and a soft glow soon bathe the room, showing that Skylar had finally gotten the fire to start. It didn't take long for everyone to be drawn closer to the source of warmth of the said fire, eventually the members of the large party formed an uneven circle.

(Y/n) was a bit further away from the circle as she rested her back against one of the far walls, her gaze staring out a window into the star filled sky. How each star seemed to shine brighter outside the old yet sturdy walls of the former boarding school.

The light shuffles were faintly heard as they came towards her, snapping her out of her daze as she glanced to whoever was making their way over to the said female.

"I would expect you to be by the fire, you hate the cold." Louis spoke softly.

(Y/n) huffed playfully as she hugged her knees tightly to her chest, trapping in every inch of body heat. "I'm not cold."

The male of the two raised brow in amusement towards her stubborn statement, especially when it was clear she was cold due to the lack of heat she received from the fire. Knowing well enough he can't convince her just yet, he took a seat next to her. "Right, totally not cold, got it." stifling a snicker as she rewarded his sarcasm with a sharp glare. She exhaled a gentle breath before speaking up again, "The stars seem brighter here, different, more free.."

Louis felt himself nod to her words, understanding what she meant as he felt the same way with the new sceneries that showed up around him as the group traveled. Though, in this this moment, he couldn't help but to feel captivated as his words felt trapped in his throat and chest. The moon shined a soft, blue glow, which illuminated her features so carefully it felt and looked magical in every possible way.


He blinked hastily as his mind race of thoughts came to an abrupt stop due to her calling out to him, humming to show he heard her. "hm? Yeah, what's up?" The cute tilt she did with her head as she studied him silently practically made his heart skip a beat. "You okay? You zoned out.." She mumbled, only to get a firm nod in return.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just been a long day." He said with a lopsided grin as he nudged her side lightly, "Enough said of that, we should get some rest." She nodded in agreement as a released a heavy yawn to prove she meant it. Lowering her head to his shoulder as her tired eyes slowly closed.

The action caused Louis' face to flush for a moment before he finally managed to pull himself together, he smiled a soft smile as he lifted an arm and wrapped it around her shoulders and back, the two leaning against the worn wall in each other's embrace.

Time had passed and the two friends eventually drifted off to sleep, unknowingly to (Y/n) and Louis, a pair of eyes by the campfire stared piercingly at the pair from afar.


The group woke up at daybreak, faint streams of the morning sun shined through the cracks and open windows of the house. As they awoke, they gathered their things and prepared themselves mentally and physically before heading out on their journey once more. Not long into the walk, a question on everyone's mind arose, "How far is the town?" Valerie commented as she stretched her aching muscles, even though sleeping was peaceful, no one said it was comfortable.

"We get there when we get there, now shut up, you're giving me a headache." Skylar grumbled in annoyance as he practically marched in front of the group.

A tired sigh from the leader could be heard as he spoke up, "We should be there in a couple of hours if we don't take any dreading breaks." The few traveling seemed to be satisfied with the answer as they nodded and continued on.

With the group slightly spreaded out, things were fairly quiet, besides the occasional walker that they would stumbleupon every now and again along with small chit chat exchanged between the members.

(Y/n) could be seen walking along side Talia, the two chatting up a storm. A few feet behind the two girls, Louis sighed as he groaned, running a agitated hand down his face. His mind and feelings had been a jumble of confusion ever since last night, unsure of how or why he felt the way he did. Why he felt suddenly captivated, maybe it was with the rare bathe of the magical moonlight glow against her smooth skin with her eyes shining-

He stumbled over his footing as he cringed inwardly at his spiraling thoughts, catching himself, mentally and physically as he stabilized his walking. His brown eyes glanced back up to the female who was now laughing quietly with Talia. As he was about to fall into another chain of deep thoughts, the voice of Gavin could be heard.

"I see the buildings, we're almost to the town. Everyone, stay close together and keep an eye out." he ordered sternly as he drew his weapon as he continued to make was towards the now seen town as everyone else followed suit. Louis felt himself grow to become serious, he knew he'd have to put his thoughts on hold the best he could as they all approached the buildings.

Now wasn't the time to slip up.


-word count of 1092.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Published on October 23th, 2018.

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