Chapter Twenty Eight.

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"Feelings Can't be One Sided if Everyone Sees it From Both Sides."


"You're kidding."

"Does it look like I'm kidding?"

"With that dumb face, yeah."


"What, you started it-"

"All right, that's enough you two."

It was the day after the girl's night had happened, and now Violet was taking her chances, while (Y/n) and the twins headed down to the river for their shift of the day, to corner Louis about his feelings for his long lasting friend. Unfortunately, before they could get to far into their short bicker session, Marlon stepped in.

"Now.. what seems to be the.. uhh, problem?"

Marlon asked as he raised a brow at the two, clearly fighting the urge to be both; amused and unimpressed, as he rested his hands on his sides.

Louis and Violet looked at eachother for a moment before Violet spoke up.

"Louis likes (Y/n)-"


Louis cried out, his eyes wide and jaw hanging ever so slightly as he stared in shock at his blond friend. He recollected himself as his wide eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared.


He muttered, earning a chuckle from Marlon, which caught both of their attention.

"Louis.. There's no secret-"

"You told her?!"

"No. You just did... It's just... you're really fucking obvious about it."

Louis groaned loudly, burying his face into his hands, earning a coy smirk from the two blonds.

"It really is obvious that it's actually pretty pathetic-"


"She's right though, Louis."

"Oh come on! Gang up against the weak, huh, I see how it is."

He scoffed, shaking his head disappointingly at his friends, who weren't phased by his words. When they didn't respond away, he picked up his signature chairleg weapon and started to walk away.

"What if I say she likes you too."

Louis hadn't gotten very far when he stopped abruptly as he froze in his spot. Turning around to stare down the female who slouched ever so slightly, hands in her pockets as she raised a brow at the male.

"Violet.. this isn't something to joke about."

"It's not a joke."

"Ha. Ha. You're funny."

"I'm serious!"

Marlon sighed aggitatedly as he was then again expected to split the two apart from their endless bickering.

"Dude. Louis."

He started as he took a few steps towards his best friend, placing a firm hand on his shoulder as he gripped it gently.

"She likes you. No doubt about it."

Louis only remained still, chocolate eyes darting back and forth between the two teens as he grew wary and skeptical of what they were saying to him. Yet, he couldn't help but to feel the swell of hope ache in his stomach and chest. He sighed in defeat, shrugging off Marlon's hand.

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