Chapter Thirty One.

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"One With the Memories."


As the dark sky loomed above the dark, silent forest and the Ericson Boarding School, Louis made his way away from the picnic tables where everyone had gathered for a pleasantly made meal from Omar. It wasn't long before he found himself standing infront of the graves of his former classmates, friends, and people he'd be proud to call as his family. His brown eyes dimmed as he gazed down with a sad smile.

"Hey guys.. sorry I hadn't stopped by to visit. Thing's got hectic lately. Two new kids join us, the oldest was injured so we took them in... they have.. different ideals, especially for the youngest. But how could you not? Right? Being on their own all this time has to have fucked  with you, right?"

He said in a questioning tone, his hands still holding onto the warm bowl that held his hot, steamy meal.

"The older one, Clem, is close in age to the rest of us here, maybe even a little younger. She been raising the kid all on her own..she's smart and thinks ahead.. she knows what's good for everyone, its like instinct for her... she's nice and I like her..."

He said with a gentle smile, which soon fell from his face as he trailed off. His eyes moving from the dirt ground to one of the grave markers, one that was marked in more recent writing, (Y/n).

"...but, everytime I get these feelings or whatever. All I see if your face, your laughter, everthing..."

Louis said with a gloomy sigh, groaning as he lifted a hand up from his bowl to rubbed his eyes while taking in a sharp inhale. He shook his head lightly as he let out a sour, bitter chuckle,

"Just when I thought I was starting to move on...but I guess there really is no future without you here."

He said while he squatted down so that the wooden gravestone was now eye level with him, using his free hand as he carefully wiped the building dust away from the name carved into the wood.

Unable to move, he took a moment of silence as he leaned his forehead forward to rest against the said grave marker. Forcing himself to blink away the water that began to build up and blur his vision while standing up, both hands back on the bowl as he walked over to the tree only a couple yards away from the grave. Turning around as he settled himself at the foot of the tree leaning back against the tree as he slowly began to eat his dinner.

When done, he placed the down down next to him, scooted forward before lying down, one arm acting as a pillow under his head while the other rested on his stomach. His glistening chocolate brown eyes gazing up through leaves of the tree that loomed over him and into the stary sky. The silent atmosphere was soothing, yet haunting as his mind began to wander, remembering specific moments of the female he so dearly missed.

"I remember... when I fell asleep under this tree. Before the apocalypse even started."

He started in a soft voice, directed to no one in area but to himself and the ghosts of his past.

"I fell asleep, you and Marlon came to get me for class. We all ended up getting in trouble and got detention for being late."

He grinned and laughed lightly at the memory, "I had a dream about that day, told Marlon about it this morning, he's still pretty pissed about it. Can you believe that? It's been what? Ten years?!"

He replied with another soft chuckle as he continue to speak of specific memories.

"You know. I told you this before, but I remember... our first mission outside the walls. The way we clung to eachother like toddlers lost in a store... even though it ended tragically,  it was the first time I acknowledged my feelings for you...."

"I remember our times together in the forest where anytime we saw a walker in one of our traps. We would mock it to no end, acting as if it were all a show, an act, at until-"

He lifted the hand that was resting on his stomach and quickly swung it from one side to the other, making a soft 'swishh'.

"-ending it and letting the corpse rest peacefully."

He trailed off, letting his hand fall back to its former position on his stomach.

"You know.. you were one who always mocked the walkers.. but never disrespected the dead. Confused the hell out of us for a long time, but, once we usderstood you... no, once I understood you, it made sense. Some would say that chivalry is long dead, but, you kept it alive, like you kept the rest of us alive..."

"I remember when I confession to you... god, I was a nervous wreck...but Marlon nagged me for a full week before I finally got the the end of it, it turned out to be the best thing I've ever done."

He laughed, only for him to snap his eyes open as he noticed his voice had came out more strained than before. His gaze blurred even more than before as he tried to focus on each sparkling star and rustling leaves high above him, resulting in a for a steady stream of tears to fall from his wavering, brown eyes and slide down his face like an endless river.

"I remember our first kiss, it was right after we confessed. I was such a mess and you leaned in with no hesitation.  We were so clumsy with it, yet it felt so right.."

"I remember our first date, man, the others were all on us when it came to planning our date.. heh, I still can't believe we managed to sneak away from them.."

"I remember our first time...every kiss, every touch..everything, I knew in that moment, everything was perfect..."

He choked back another sob as he raised his free hand once more to cover his mouth, his hand that separated his head and the gound moved away as he ran his fingers gingerly through his dreadlock. His grip tightening on a fistful of hair as he continued to cry, forcing his croaking voice to talk as he sobbed.

"I remember every joyful moment we shared, before and during our relationship..."

"I remember when we first began to share a wasn't planned, it just.. kinda happened and we never bothered to stop.."

His voice slowly began to die down more and more as he spoke, his hyperventilating sobs slowing down as his sight began to clear but more by the second. His tear stained cheeks cold from his salty tears and the gentle breeze that swept through the large yard.

"I remember everything.."

He managed out in a strained whisper, his tears slowed to a stop as his vision focused once more on the glittering sky. Bringing the hand up from his mouth to run through his hair along with his other hand that lessened its grip on his deads. The night only continued on along with the breeze that rustled the tree leaves as the faint sounds of Louis' sniffiles and shakey breath could be heard.

Little did he know, he and the ghosts of his past were not alone, as only a few meters away stood a figure. More specifically, it was Violet, who had her arms crossed firmly over her chest, shifting her weight from one leg to the other as she took her turn to gaze at the hand built graves. Her heart ached as she listened to every sound her friend made as she knew exactly the pain he felt.

To lose the one you love.


word count of 1373.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Created on December 31st, 2019

-Published on January 1st, 2020.

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