(25) no means..yes?

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Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates today!

I think I'll keep this going until New Years, just because I've spent a lot longer time on this that I thought I would..

Margot's new life in Australia was amazing!.... for like two days. After that, the whole thing started going downhill.

Only 3 days after they got down, Margot started feeling unloved and locked up. Tom was gone the whole day, but he locked her in the house and told her to not go anywhere. Margot didn't know why he wanted this, but she obeyed non the less. When Tom got home he did almost nothing else than being mad at Margot and Bella.

Margot tried to get him to act different many times, but his excuses for his behavior was many. Often that he had had a long day at work, or that he wasn't used to having a baby around, so it would take him some time to get used to it. Then he promised he'd be a better boyfriend.

Margot listened to him, and believed what he was telling her. She hadn't spoke to anyone in her family or anything, because Tom wanted her to 'put their relationship first'.

Tom's behavior and herself being in the house all the time without seeing any other humans that Tom and Bella put Margot in a really bad mood, and she felt sad and empty, so she didn't want to speak to anyone either.

She always kept the hope that things were going to get better, until about a week later, when Tom forced her to have sex with him.

Margot was just looking at Bella sleeping, appreciating that she had her in her life, when Tom suddenly came up behind her, putting his arms around her waist.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Margot asked.

"She is, but maybe if we had done it, she would be even more beautiful.." Tom said, beginning to kiss her neck.

"Maybe.." Margot said, trying to move her head away, but he held her back, kissing her lips harshly.

"Tom.. stop.." Margot said, trying to pull away, but it was to no use. He had been drinking, that was definitely for sure, but he didn't seem drunk.

"No Margot, I want you so badly" Tom said, dragging her with him and pushing her down on their bed.

He stopped for a moment to whisper in her ear.

"I know you'll enjoy it" He whispered, before beginning to undress her.

The tone in his voice made Margot shudder. She didn't know what to do. Was this rape, or didn't it count because they were dating and she willingly have had sex with him before? What even was counted as 'rape'?

"Tom.. stop.. please" Margot begged as she tried to get away from him while he was trying to undress her.

That's when Tom grabbed her arms and pushed her down against the mattress, hard.

"No Margot I'm not going to stop" Tom spat. "Now be a good girl and do what I say, or I'll make sure that this is going to hurt you badly"

Margot only nodded, and Tom could see the fear in her eyes, which for some reason only turned him on more.

He knew that technically, this was wrong, but Margot was his little slut, and he knew that she had been done roughly before and liked to be dominated in bed.

He wasn't exactly wrong. Margot did like getting dominated, but now she really didn't want to. She wasn't in the mood for this kind of stuff, not at all.

"Good, now get down" Tom said, mentioning towards his crotch.

Margot slowly did as he said, giving in as she realized that she had no other choice.

He quickly took control of her, so all she did was to listen to him and wish that it was all over soon.

It didn't last for that long, because he realized that if he kept pushing himself as far down her throat as he was, it wouldn't be long before she threw up, and he really didn't want that.

He pulled her back up and threw her down on the bed again, giving her a minute or two because she was violently coughing and he still needed to fully undress her.

Margot's eyes were red from crying, and she was too weak to even bother to try stopping him after she stopped coughing.

The next second she winced in pain as Tom violently pushed himself into her. He kept a tight grip on her waist, so she couldn't move away from him.

For Margot, the next thing was just a whole lot of her own tears, groans, sobs and moans until it was finally over after what felt like a whole lifetime.

As soon as he got his body off of hers, she covered up as much as she possibly could of her body with her covers and cried into her pillow.

Tom sighed and pulled her against him so she was crying against his chest instead. He was surprised that she let him, but then again, he didn't think she even cared at this point.

"Look, Margot I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to turn out like this" he said, and stroked her hair somewhat lovingly, knowing that Margot liked that. "I love you, and I promise you that it won't happen again.."

He was mostly telling lies, and the only reason why he said it was because he wanted her to shut up so he could sleep.

Margot nodded. She believed him, because she was determined that Tom was a good mad. She was longing back to the relationship that the two used to have, the first time they dated.

The two of them then slept like that, even though Tom was dying from the high temperatures of the Australian summer. He knew that it was the only way to make up for what he had done.

He didn't want to be put in jail for rape.

[COMPLETED] Another Jargot story (Christmas 2019) Where stories live. Discover now