(6) Sleepover

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It was Wednesday night, and Margot laid half asleep on Jared's chest as they watched a movie.

Margot sighed.

"I need to go home" she mumbled.

"No, stay" Jared said, holding his arms around her.

"I want to" she said. "But I have parents"

"But I need you here" Jared said. "Incase your dad kills me tomorrow, then I want to spend my last night with you"

"Come on, he won't kill you...probably"

"What??" Jared asked, actually scared.

"I'm kidding, I wouldn't let him" Margot assured him.

"Who knows? He might do it anyways.." Jared said. "He doesn't seem to like me very much"

"And you think me staying overnight at your house the day before you meet will help?" Margot asked, actually getting up to look at him.

"No.." he mumbled. "But you're tired, and you want to stay, and you're safe, and no harm will be done to you, and you'll go to school tomorrow... I don't see the problem"

"Mhm" Margot mumbled, who had gotten back to her former position. "There's like 20 minutes left of the movie.. I'll think about it"

"Okay" he said, starting to play with her hair.

It ended up being nothing to think about, as they both eventually accidentally fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

If there was someone who couldn't sleep that night though, it was Margot's parents.

She had not come home, she didn't answer their calls or their messages, and obviously, they couldn't help but to be worried about their only daughter... it was so unlike her to first of all not come home, but when she didn't text them or answered her calls, they could not be calm until they at least got clarification of where she was, who she was with and why she hadn't come home.

They obviously had no reason to be worried, as she had told them where she was going, and they knew that she first of all didn't have a reason to lie about that, but it wasn't something she would do either.

They trusted her enough to know that, but they didn't really trust the guy she was with.

When Shannon came home at around 1 am, he was walking past his brother's bedroom to get to his own when he heard a phone buzzing like crazy from the inside. Hearing that no one was going to turn it off, he decided to check what was going on as he heard no other sounds.

He had to admit, his brother and his girlfriend looked pretty cute together, but he was surprised that none of them woke up from Margot's phone, which was right next to her.

Stupid as he was he decided to answer the call, even if it wasn't his phone, and he barely even knew Margot at all.

"Hello?" He asked.

It was quiet for a little second, as if the caller was trying to recognize the voice.

"WHO ARE YOU ANS WHY DO YOU HAVE MY DAUGHTER'S PHONE?!" A man shouted, making Shannon move the phone a bit away from his ear. That's when he saw the caller-ID.. and it was no other than 'Dad'.

Shannon then decided to answer with his Leto-charm.

"Hi, I'm Shannon Leto.. it's a pleasure to meet you Mr.. Robbie.. I'm guessing... and I don't really know why I have her phone, but I came home and I heard her phone calling so I picked it up" He said, with a kinda cheerful voice.


"She's right here, in front of me.. she's sleeping.. she looks to be quite alright, a little tired, and a little warm maybe, which would be understandable as she's sleeping fully clothed, with a sweater and everything under the covers and my brother has a arm or two around her.. but on a scale from 1-10 I would imagine that she's like an 8"

He heard Doug sigh in frustration.

"Just wake her up so I can talk to her"

Shannon started shaking her, in hope that she would wake up.

"Margot" he said. "Wake up"

She slowly opened her eyes just a little, seeming confused about the whole situation.

She was about to turn back around and go to sleep but Shannon put the phone to her ear and left.

"Hello?" Margot mumbled, tired and annoyed but also confused. She HATED being disturbed in her sleep and she thought most people knew that.

"Margot? Sweetheart, why didn't you come home?" Her dad asked, surprisingly not mad at her, just glad to finally have reached her.

"I was going to... but I clearly fell asleep.. I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry" Margot said, still confused about the whole situation.

"It's okay" he assured her. "But why didn't you pick up your phone?"

"Dad, you two should know that I don't wake up from that kind of sounds... there's a reason why mum wakes me up every morning" she sighed. "I can come home now if you want me to"

Doug Robbie didn't actually believe that he was going to say this.

"No.. it's fine, you can stay as long as you come back home tomorrow"

Margot was also shocked at this statement.

"Oh.. okay" she said. "I'll come back home tomorrow morning"

"Okay, go back to sleep my dear, I love you"

"I love you too dad, goodnight" she said, before hanging up.

She took some of her clothes off, because she was way too hot before going back to sleep.

Both of them slept so good that night, and Jared was so mad at his alarm in the morning. If he could have decided, he would have slept for at least four more hours.

Margot was still sleeping, but he waited a few minutes before waking her up.

"Baby.." he said, brushing her hair back with his fingers.

She didn't answer, but buried her face in her pillow.

"Margot.." he said, shaking her a little.

"Nooo... I was sleeping so good" she whined.

"I know, I did too.. but we need to get up"

"Five more minutes.." she said, moving so she was laying on top of him, so he couldn't leave.

"I could get used to this" he said.

"Oh?" She smiled.

"You know, waking up next to you every morning and cuddling you, especially if you're gonna dress like that" he said. "Too bad today is my last day"

"I most definitely could imagine that too, but I have parents.. I'm actually really surprised he let me stay"

"You spoke to your dad?"

"Mhm.. I woke up by Shannon putting my phone to my ear in the middle of the night.. my dad had called me like 20 times"

"Shannon was here?"

"Clearly" she said. "I think he spoke to my dad too, so that could've been interesting"

"Now I feel bad for my brother"

"Why do you speak about my dad as if he was a monster?" Margot asked. "He really is a great dad you know"

"I would imagine, but you see baby, I'm convinced that he'll be the reason for my death one day.. wouldn't you agree?"

"Well I don't think he would kill you just because, but he probably has a place in mind where he would hide your body if something happened"

"And what is that 'something'?"

"I don't know" she said. "But as if right now I don't think you need to worry too much about it"

"I hope so.." Jared said, still equally as nervous for the meet with his girlfriend's parents later that day.

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