(3) The last days of a chapter

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Margot had a habit of not waking up by alarms, and if she did she absolutely hated them, so therefore, her mother still woke her up, every single morning.

When Sarie went to wake her up, she could see the tear stains on her cheeks from the night before, and couldn't help but to feel bad.

Margot didn't look too pleased with seeing her mother after she woke her up, but she didn't say anything, just mumbled a faint "good morning".

After she got ready for school, Margot went downstairs, and as usual, her mom had made her breakfast.

She thanked her, and sat down opposite of her dad (as usual), but she didn't even look at him.

"Margot.." he sighed, when he saw that she was ignoring him.

He went to touch her hand, but she pulled it away.

"Save it" she said, still not looking at him.

She quickly finished her food, and went to leave.

"Come home as soon as you're finished today.." Sarie said.

"Mhm, got it" Margot answered, cutting her mother off, walking straight past her and really not caring.

Like she was going to sit at home all alone the whole night. Her parents were working so they wouldn't know.

".. and I'll be home before you so don't you even think about not listening" Sarie finished.

Margot stopped and turned around, actually looking at her mother this time.

"What?" She asked. "Don't you leave for work around 3?"

Margot finished at 3:05, but then she had to walk home, and therefore the house was usually empty by the time she got home. Her father worked pretty much all day, and sometimes so late that Margot went to sleep before he got home.

"Not anymore" Her father said. "Now we both work early instead of late"

"Seriously?" Margot asked. "When will you be home then?" Looking at her dad.

"Around 4, sometimes 5" he answered.

"You guys seriously changed the daily life of almost all of your co-workers, changing your work times just because you don't trust me being home alone anymore?" Margot asked.

"It's not that Margot" Sarie spoke softly "of course we trust you, and it has nothing to do with what happened last night. It's been planned for a really long time because we think it'll be better. You're alone all the time and we almost never get to see you"

"Well at least she hasn't been alone for the last month or so" her father mumbled.

The horrible thought of the fact that a guy with the last name 'Leto' had been having sex with his daughter for 'a month or so' was still stuck in his head.

Margot rolled her eyes at her father's comment.

"And of course, out of all days, it magically changed so you start working after your new time schedules today" Margot said ironically. "You know what? Whatever, I don't care. I need to go now"

And then she left, without saying another word.

She never really never thought much about school. She definitely didn't love it, but she didn't really hate it either.

She didn't see Jared before her last class of the day, which they shared. He was always staring at her instead of paying attention, but he always did, so it was nothing new.

Margot never found the class very interesting, and often she asked to go to the bathroom in the middle of it, just to give herself a five-minute break.

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