(5) Meeting the Letos

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"Wait, so when did you say we were meeting?" Jared asked.

It has been a few days, almost a week to be exact, and Margot's parents finally found a date that they both wanted and had time to really meet their daughter's new boyfriend.

"On Thursday, so in three days" Margot said looking at him as she twirled her pen around in her fingers. It was a regular school day, which for now was the only place they could see each other without Margot's parents having the chance to ruin.

"Baby you know I need more time than that to prepare myself"

The word 'baby' made Margot's heart flutter. She loved this.

"You'll be fine, I'll help you get prepared" Margot said. "When can I meet your family?"

"Whenever you want" he shrugged. "Today, if you want to"

"Today?" She asked. "Are you really not worried about them at all?"

"Nah.. why would I be?" He asked. "Shannon brings in a new girl to sleep with like every other day and somehow mom always makes sure to meet them on their way out, probably to scare them away, but I don't see the problem with her meeting you"

"But already today? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure she's home today. Shannon is probably home as well, so if you want to, you could"

"Yeah, I would love to" Margot smiled. "See I'm meeting your family today, and you're complaining that you only have 3 days to prepare to meet mine"

"Well I guess I haven't really made a good first impression have I?" He asked. "Plus you're an only child baby, doesn't exactly make anything better, no one would ever be good enough for Mr. Robbie's little girl, and especially not me"

"That's true" she said.

"How many boyfriends have you had?" He asked.

"Two, and you're one of them" she said. "Why?"

"How did the other guy handle your dad?"

"It wasn't that hard, but my dad already kinda knew him so it was okay. Plus he was a really good guy, so my dad really liked him. We only broke up because I moved a couple of years ago" she said.

As the jealous person he was, Jared couldn't help but to feel a little jealousy towards this guy. What made him so special?

A couple of hours later and it was time for Margot to meet Jared's mom and brother. She was really nervous, even though Jared told her not to be. She couldn't help it.

"Margot, you don't need to be so nervous, it's gonna be fine" he said, as they parked outside the house.

"How do you know?" She asked. "What if they don't like me?"

"Is it possible to not like you?" He asked.

"Well obviously!"

"Just don't worry about it" he said, putting his arm around her.

Jared's name was called immediately after they entered, just to get a clarification that it was him.

"Ma, could you come here for a second?" Jared called out.


"I got someone here who I'd like you to meet"

"Who?" She asked, coming out into the hallway. "Oh, hello"

She seemed rather confused to see Margot there, and Margot already knew that this was going to be awkward.

"This is my girlfriend, Margot"

[COMPLETED] Another Jargot story (Christmas 2019) Where stories live. Discover now