(14) it's a...

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It was the night before Margot's first big ultrasound. She was around 4 months pregnant, and on the ultrasound the day after, the doctor had said that they would be able to see if the baby had any development issues, or brain problems.. or literally anything wrong with it, as well as the gender.

Margot and Jared had said goodnight long ago, but Margot couldn't sleep. She was too nervous about what could happen the next day.

She really wasn't able to stay still, as the size of her stomach was now already enough to cause her problems. Margot had always slept on her stomach, but now she obviously couldn't anymore, and then she struggled to find a comfortable position.

Didn't help to her current situation.

She sighed, actually laying still for more than two seconds.

She then felt two hands sneaking their way around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Relax baby, you shouldn't stress" Jared whispered. "It's not good for you"

"Nothing is good for me these days" Margot said softly, turning around to face him. "I can't sleep"

"Why not?" Jared asked, running his hand trough her hair.

She took his hand and put it on her growing baby bump. It was now starting to get big enough for people to notice, and the only way she could hide it was with really big clothes like hoodies, and it was too warm to wear those most of the time.

"Because of our child" she said.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, what if something is wrong?"

"Well" he sighed. "There's always a chance, but everything has always been good, so I think it'll be alright"

"But the doctor said that they could find things that they wouldn't have a chance to see earlier" Margot said.

"Don't think about that baby" Jared said. "Our baby is perfect either way"

"Yes Jared, of course it's perfect either way, did you really think I'm worried for that?" She questioned. "No, I'm worried our baby is going to die!"

"Our baby is not going to die Margot"

"How do you know?"

"I just do, okay?" Jared smiled. "Aren't you excited to see what we're having?"

"Yes I'm ready to show you that I'm right" Margot said. "It's a girl"

"It's a boy" Jared said.

"It's a girl"

"It's a boy"

"It's a girl"

"It's a boy"

"It's a girl"

"Relax now baby.. go to sleep" Jared said.

"Okay" Margot sighed, closing her eyes and getting closer to him.

Just as she was about to fall asleep she hear him whisper.

'It's a boy'


The next day, it was finally time to get it over with.

"So how have you been feeling?" The doctor asked, after he had gotten the gel on her stomach and started to look around.

"Good.. better" Margot said. "More like normal"

Jared was sitting next to the chair she was laying on, holding her hand and looking at the baby. He loved that little baby, and the baby's mother.

After studying the baby for quite a long time, the doctor started speaking.

"Everything is looking fine here, I don't think there's anything to worry about here" the doctor smiled. "Everything is developing just like it's supposed to, and I think it will continue like that"

Both Margot and Jared smiled, looking at each other.

"That's what I told you" Jared said.

"Now to the question that's usually very important for the parents" the doctor said. "Do you want to know the gender?"

"Yes" they both said at the same time.

"It's laying in a position that makes it really clear here.. I'm 90% sure that you're having a little girl, congratulations" the doctor smiled.

Both Margot and Jared smiled widely.

"That's what I said!" Margot said, slapping Jared's arm playfully.

"A little mini you" Jared smiled.

"Well, that's it for today" the doctor said. "I'll see you again in two weeks Margot"

Then he left, without saying much more.

"We're going to have a daughter" Margot smiled, looking at Jared. "Do you think you can handle two of me?"

Margot knew that Jared sometimes had his hands full when it came to handling her. Margot was a really complicated woman, and wanted things exactly her way. Her extreme stubbornness was something she was born with, and even her parents struggled with it at times.

"Well I think it can be a little bit of a challenge, but I'm going to love it" Jared said. "All I can hope for is that she's as beautiful as you, inside out.... but she doesn't need the stubbornness"

"Of course she needs the stubbornness!"

"Only if she's stubborn against you"

"No, you" Margot said. "That way we can both be stubborn against you.. and then we can do a lot of things"

Jared's eyes widened, he was already fearing the plans that his girlfriend had in mind.

"Uhh how about no?" He questioned. "Don't be stubborn like mommy"

"Please be stubborn like mummy" Margot said, touching her baby bump.

"Please don't be stubborn like mommy"

"No, she is going to be stubborn like her mummy!" Margot said. "She's inside me, obviously my actions is going to affect her"

"Oh my god no Jared get up" Margot said, when Jared kneeled in front of her and literally begged into her stomach, in the middle of the parking lot.

"Daddy loves you, but please please please don't be stubborn like your mommy" he begged.

"I'm going to tell her this when she gets older you know" Margot said, when she finally got Jared up from his knees.

"Well, hopefully she's not stubborn like you, cause I really don't know how I'd handle that"

"Come on, you'll be fine, I promise!" Margot said.

"I trust you love" he said, kissing her hand.

It wasn't quiet for long before Margot squealed.

"Oh my god I can't get over that she's a girl!" She squealed.

"And she's perfectly healthy" Jared smiled.

Margot just sat there smiling for herself a little while, before she grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"I love you so much" she said, and Jared knew that today, today was a good day.

[COMPLETED] Another Jargot story (Christmas 2019) Where stories live. Discover now