(12) news & hormones

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Even if Margot was now able to fully relaxed after telling the people that she was the closest to, that didn't mean that there weren't more people who deserved to know the big news.

The Letos, for example.

And poor Jared had no idea on how his family would react, but obviously he didn't have much other choice than to tell them.

They were just eating dinner, like a normal family when Jared decided that it was a good time to share the news.

"I have something that I need to tell you" Jared said, gaining both his mother's and brother's attention.

"Margot is pregnant" he said, making Shannon spit water over the whole floor.

He then started laughing.

"Good one little brother" he laughed. "I almost believed you there"

"No, I'm serious" Jared said. "Margot's 8 weeks pregnant"

"That's great" Shannon said.

"Shannon.." Constance said, wanting him to be more serious.

"What?" He questioned. "At least we know that his dick still works"

Jared rolled his eyes.

"Well congratulations Jared.. you're going to be a father now.. that's a big responsibility" Constance said.

"Yeah, I know" he said. "But I'm really excited for it"

"And Margot?" She asked. "How's she feeling about it?"

"I think she's a little bit more relaxed about the news now, but she's having some though months in front of her.." he said, before telling them about Margot's condition.

"Oh no.. the poor girl" Constance sighed. "How is she feeling?"

"She's not that well, but she seemed more relaxed this morning than last night"

"Jared I like how you made a woman pregnant and literally risked her life with it" Shannon said. "Don't kill Margot though, she's awesome"

"Shannon.. for gods sake.." Constance warned him.

"But mom, now we know that I'm the best child!" Shannon said. "Maybe I bring a lot of girls home but he has a girlfriend for like one month and she's already pregnant!"

"Okay fuck you!"

The two then started arguing, until Constance stopped them.

"Stop it you two!" She said. "I'll leave now, and you apologize to your brother!"

She left, and Shannon looked over at his brother.

"Are you having pregnancy hormones?" He asked.

"I don't, but Margot is for sure starting to get them"

"Holy shit, I'm going to be an uncle"

"Yeah.. and I'm going to be a dad"

"Hopefully the baby looks a lot like Margot"

Jared rolled his eyes.

"Could you be nice for like two seconds?" Jared asked.

"What? I just called your girlfriend pretty"

"And you called me ugly"

"We all know that I got the good genes little brother" Shannon smirked.

"Yeah yeah.. wipe up your spit on the floor"

Just then he got a message from Margot.


'Come home'

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