Paradise~ Dally

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( lil smut but only for like 4 seconds)

You were lounging on the couch with Dally eating popcorn and watching movies. Dally looks at you and turns off the tv, you look up at him and give him a confused look.
" come with me" he says in a demanding but sexy voice.
" what's wrong?" You say following him up the stairs to his room.

He grabs you by the waist to make you walk in front of him and he opens the door then instantly pushes you up against the wall.
" oh, okay then" you said with a smirk and you go in to kiss him. God Dally was HOT.

He lifts you up and takes you to the bed without breaking the kiss.
" what are you gonna do to me tonight"
You said in a lustful whisper.
He looks up into your eyes and a devilish smirk grows onto his gorgeous face.
" I'm gonna take you to paradise tonight baby." 

~ I felt like I needed to write for my 5 viewers lmfao. Enjoy you guys 💀 

~I also need some ideas on what to write for Johnny, soda, and pony so PLEASE leave some comments

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