Ponys diary~ ponyboy curtis

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(I got my inspiration from the song got you on my mind by NF.)

you were knocking on the door at the Curtis's home, but no one answered. You tried opening the door and it was open.
"Hello? Anyone home"
No one answered
" that's weird pony said he would meet me here" you whispered to yourself. You knew they wouldn't mind if you just stayed in the house, so you walked up to pony's room.

" it's 4:00 why isn't he here?" You started to get worried but something caught your eye. His diary. You knew it was wrong to look through someone's diary but you wanted to know if he wrote about you in it. You had a crush on pony but he would never know.
You looked to see if he had come yet but he hasn't, so you continued to open the diary.

"May 5th"
You started to read...

Dear diary,
I remember the first time I met this girl, she made me nervous to talk to her but then I got the courage too on exactly January 1st. Y/n and I use to phone call every night until we fell asleep. Then some days we would go to the lot and talk about our lives. She told me how she lost your dad and then she started crying, gee seeing you cry broke my heart into pieces. I remember telling her that I understood how she felt because I also lost my parents. This girl has been through so much, I just wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go.

When you finished reading that page tears started falling down your cheeks then you flipped to the next

" June 15th"

Dear diary
Y/n and I have been getting real close lately.
She's been driving me wild, in a good way of course. She's been making me think things I never used to and whenever we would call I would get tired of them sometimes cause I'd rather be with her. When she went out of town for the rest of May and she would call, it would make me smile but I would always hold back from saying " I miss you."  
Which I regret.
Sometimes I feel so lonely but when she's with me or when she calls me I smile. She lets me be myself and she doesn't control me. God what is this women doing to me??

"Oh wow" you whispered then flipped the page.

~ should I make a part 2???
If y'all don't think I should then I'm probs gonna discontinue this story

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