Ruel's POV

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*im pissed off at politics at the moment so yeah I'm incorporating the Sydney bushfires into my story lmao*


Morning seems to take years to come. I message mum telling her I won't be home tonight and sleep in my car at the beach carpark.

Whether I sleep or not, that's a different question. The Sound of ebbing waves punctuates my mind full of words and pictures.

At 5am I call Alira. She doesn't answer. At 7 I try again.

"What?" She asks after one ring.

"I want to see you."

"Oh. Whereabouts are you? I'll come."

"I'm at the beach sitting in my car."

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

She hangs up before I can question her surprisingly happy voice and words. The Alira I know would tell me to go get fucked.

It's barely half an hour later when she walks around the bushes on the corner along the path, wrapped in a sweater and hoodie, and some jeans.

When she gets to my car she doesn't hesitate to open the door and hop in.

"Hey." She says.

"Hi." I hesitate. "You ok?"


"Not mad?"

"Nah, I'm mad. But I know I shouldn't be, it's not your fault."

I can hear a tearful edge creeping into her voice again so I change the subject.

"Xena and your dad still arguing?"

"Yeah. Sylvie picked up Rocky and took him to daycare this morning because she knew dad wasn't going to."

This surprises me but I just nod.

"So what do you want to do today?"

"We can go to the art gallery. Have a picnic. Go to a party-"

"What party?"

"Oh, a girl I know through homeschool is having one at her house tonight."

"And you want to go?"

"Only if you want to."

"Yeah, yeah sure." I try to sound indifferent but really I want to go very badly. I don't get to go to many parties.

She gives me a side wards glance. "Did you see the news this morning?"

"No, why?"

"Oh, there's just some fires. That why there's smoke everywhere."

"Oh." I hadn't noticed any smoke until now, and I look up to see the horizon hazy and pink. "That's no good."


I can almost hear her brain whirring to find new topics to discuss, so I create one.

"I got you an early Christmas present."

To be honest, this present was from months ago. I kind of forgot about it honestly until today. 

"You didn't have to get me anything!" She sighs.

"I know, but I did. I don't have anything physical to show you but I've got a cabin up in the woods for three nights. It's next to a river and stuff."

"Oh my gosh, are you kidding?!"

"Booked from December 27th to New Years Day."

"No way! Awh, thank you so much."

She looks at me and there's a blazing passion in her eyes. "I love you."

your eyes ~ RUEL FAN FIC ~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora