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27 | grief

I didn't know long it had been but I figured many days have passed, probably two because I watched the sun rise and set each morning as my body have not yet moved from my position. The nurse had come in to offer me food but I had only declined for I had no appetite. She had said something about visitors but I had simply ignored her, knowing that if I didn't give my permission to her then she wasn't allowed to give consent to the visitors outside.

Right now, I didn't want to see anyone.

I figured this was my third day in the hospital and the only people that was allowed to in this room was the nurses and doctors that gave me the occasional check-ups. They had said I was fine and I was able to leave whenever I was ready but I had simply ignored them for the dull, hospital ward gave me a sense of protection because I knew that if I had gone home, the reality of my sister not being here anymore was going to break me down.

"Miss Carrington, you have a visitor," the nurse announced from the door, causing me to not even move a single inch as I stared out the window.

"Evelyn?" I heard my mother's voice, causing me to snap out of my trance as I blinked and glanced over at the figure who was dressed in all black, a massive hat that shaded her face.

I opened my arms out to her, my throat beginning to close up as my mother quickly threw off her hat and shades, revealing swollen eyes. She embraced me tightly, holding me to her chest as she gently rocked me from side to side.

"Oh, my sweet Evelyn," my mother whispered, her voice shaking as she touched my back as if to make sure I was real and alive. "I can't imagine what you're going through but I'm here for you."

My mother had also lost a daughter and yet, she put my feelings above my her own. I pulled away from her, wiping my eyes as she smiled softly down at me. "Mom, you lost her too."

My mother nodded, a flicker of pain crossing her face as she sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "I know, baby. You lost your other half, your inseparable sister but we both lost something very precious." Her voice cracked in the end and she began to bawl in my arms, causing me to cry with her as we both held each other.

A few minutes later, my mother and I found ourselves fixing each other up as she kissed my forehead before settling her things down in the small living room area in my ward. She had informed me that I was in the private ring and restricted access was allowed in these areas so whoever was coming for me next, wouldn't be able to get in.

"Sweetheart," my mother suddenly spoke up as I looked up from my glass of water, downing it before placing it down and gave my mother my full attention. "After Everlace, I can't risk losing you so bodyguards are necessary in this time of need. Jason recommended this security place and it turns out that this woman runs a special organisation so I've hired these men to protect you."

I was about to open my mouth to start protesting but maybe she was right. Maybe I did need protection and at least I was able to find Everlace's murderer alive because I wouldn't be able to do that if I was dead.

I only nodded before she sighed, stepping out of my room and motioned for someone to come forward. A tall man in a suit and tie with broad shoulders and raven black hair walked inside, an earpiece stuck to his ear as he cleared his throat and approached me with a blank facade.

I frowned at him, raising a brow suspiciously.

"Miss Carrington, I am Agent Wayne Jack and I am here to inform and introduce you to the best agents this organisation's ever had. These men have done significant amount of work and will maintain you as their top priority always."

"If these men are so good at their job then why can't they find my sister's murderer?" I asked, raising a brow at him as I noticed that my voice was raspy.

"We are working on the case with the local police force, Miss Carrington," the man said, unfazed by my attitude towards him. "Please, your safety is more than vital to us."

I rubbed my temples, glancing at my mother for a split second with hope in her eyes that I would actually agree to this. I bit my lip and nodded, allowing him to continue.

"Let me introduce you to our fine agents..." The man said, trailing off as I heard the front door click open and my mother's gasp. I couldn't help but looked up, my eyes widening in shock as Cato and Eli filed in with suits and an earpiece in their ear while Asher walked in last, fixing his earpiece as he came to a stand in between his friends, neither of them meeting my eyes. They were all tense, stiff shoulders with their chests puffed out, alerted. "Agent Asher Torres, Agent Cato Greene and Agent Elijah Johnson. If you need anything, feel as if you're unsafe in any situations and need an escape route, these are your men and will solely be at your side every second."

I gulped, rendering me speechless at the sight of the three men, one I had grown especially so close with and even had sexual intercourse with. I bit my lip, my throat closing up once again as I felt a boulder smash onto the ground, another heavy weight on my shoulders.

"I'm sure you've met these men before," Agent Wayne said with a glance over at his men before clearing his throat. I nodded in response, allowing him to continue. "You will be discharged in about an hour and these men will show you to one of our private estates we have bought for your protection. If that is all, I will see to my leave."

"Agent Wayne," my mother said from the living room as only Agent Wayne glanced at my mother with a raised brow. "May I talk to you outside, please?"

As Agent Wayne and my mother left the room and left me alone with the three men, I finally realised that that was their secret. They were undercover agents but what was their mission? To keep me safe and protected? It had to be more than that because they had appeared a few months ago and I had only received the threat just this week.

"Wow, now isn't this awkward...?" I heard Eli ask nervously as I watched his shoulder relax in my peripheral vision, forcing me to frown as I ignored him before laying back down and turned my back to them. "Wrong thing to say?"

"Shut up," Cato hissed.

"Leave," I ordered them but when I heard no feet moving, I clenched my fists at my side as anger boiled in my blood. The tears stung again but this time, they weren't for my sister but the feeling of betrayal from every single one of them, especially Asher. I swiftly got up and turned around to face them as my furious expression met their concerned ones, a tear sliding down my cheek. "Get out!"

Cato and Eli budged as their feet shuffled, both of their figures exiting out the door as they closed e door behind them but when they realised that their friend did not follow, they struggled to open the locked door.

Asher stayed in his position with a calm expression.

"Get...out," I managed to stay as tears continued to stream down my face as they burned my skin; a mixture of betrayal and sadness.

"No," he said calmly as he began to approach me, taking out his earpiece as if someone was shouting at him.

I leaned back, placing my hand in front of me as if to stop him from getting any closer but his strong arms wrapped around me before I could say anything. He held me tightly, whispering soothing words in my ear as I trembled against him, my body crumbling once again as I freed my tears.

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