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03 | fight or flight

My mother was probably right

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My mother was probably right. I was probably letting the paranoia consume me so I decided to let it go by the time lunch came around. I found myself making an avocado sandwich with bacon on the side, preparing myself to down the entire thing. I was just about to eat my lunch when a knock sounded from the front, causing me to groan annoyance as the same thing had happened last time when I was interrupted from eating my dinner.

I stalked to the front door, ripping it open as I found myself surprised to see Cato and his friend standing side by side, still suited up from earlier this morning.

"Hello, we just wanted to invite you over to lunch," Cato said grimly as he nudged his friend beside him. His friend cleared his throat, his raven black hair smoothed to the back as he let out a boyish smile.

"Sorry, I didn't get to introduce myself earlier," the man said with his hand extended. "My name's Eli. Eli Johnson."

I hesitantly took his hand and shook it slowly before retracting my arm back to my side, cocking my head to the left in confusion. "It's nice to meet you, Eli. And thank you, your offer is kind but I must decline."

Eli's eyebrows narrowed in when the last few words left my mouth. "Did you already have lunch by yourself?"

I blinked, unable to lie to their faces. "No, but I-"

"Great!" Eli exclaimed in excitement as he clapped his hands together and walked away from Cato who eyed his friends suspiciously. "Come on, let's go!"

I stood rooted in my spot, trying to comprehend what was happening before my eyes. Cato followed Eli but when Eli stopped in his tracks and glanced at me over his shoulders as if to see if I had moved, he let out a groan. He stalked towards me and gently grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the house, yelling at Cato to close the door behind me.

Eli led me to the back of the house where Asher was making hamburgers without a shirt on, putting his abs on display while he cooked the meat. Asher tossed his friends a short look but did a double-take when he laid eyes on me.

"I thought you were kidding, E," Asher mumbled under his breath as he moved on to the next patty.

"I think we should be good neighbours and invite our dear Eve to eat with us," Eli responses to Asher, slapping him on the back hard as he caused Asher to make a move on Eli but decided otherwise. "Besides, after Cato hit her car, we should at least do something nice."

"You're welcome to leave," Asher said to me, his golden-brown eyes glowing in dissatisfaction at what his friend had just done. "Eli basically kidnapped you and that's against the law." With the last sentence, Asher shot Eli a deadly look, causing him to only shrug in response before flicking him off with his middle finger.

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