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prologue | mission accepted

Three tall, gorgeous gentlemen walked inside the organisation dressed in a black suit and tie, leaving a trail of swooning women who all knew they were the most available and attractive bachelors

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Three tall, gorgeous gentlemen walked inside the organisation dressed in a
black suit and tie, leaving a trail of swooning women who all knew they were the most available and attractive bachelors. Everyone knew these fine gentlemen were the organisation's top three secret agents with their refined skills, intelligence and athletic skills, finishing some of their missions faster than expected. If anything, they worked better as a trio than apart.

As the three of them approached the office, their boss's assistant gave them a slight nod, shooting the man in the middle flirty eyes while ringing the phone. She mumbled a few words under her breath before nodding to the three gentlemen, allowing them access inside their boss's office.

"Welcome, ACE," the woman greeted with a strained smile as she gestured towards the three armchairs facing a blank wall. The three gentlemen nodded with blank expressions before taking a seat. "The board and I have discussed a few things and have decided that you need to take this case."

ACE stood for Asher, Cato and Eli.

"What case is it, may I ask?" Agent Cato was one of the three men with his sleek platinum blonde hair that is almost always gelled to the back as if he always had a fan in front of his face. He fixed his tie as if it was strangling him, his blue eyes fixated on his friends with a confused glance on why their boss had to call them in on their day off.

"The Carrington case," their boss, Agent Jacqueline, answered with a clipped tone as she handed out three files with the same content inside before picking up a small remote and pointed it at the board. "This case has been ongoing for three years and the agents that have been on it was transferred due to their insufficiency. "I believe you fine gentlemen have what it takes to uncover what Joseph Carrington is hiding and prove that he's guilty."

Agent Cato cocked his head slightly to the side. "If the other agents couldn't do it, what makes you think we can?"

Agent Jacquline had no doubt in her top finest agents in the entire organisation. She knew there was always a method with them; especially Asher who seemed to be the one who called the shots out of the three. Asher had done countless risky things that may have exposed them one too many times but she had always known Cato and Eli always had his back. In fact, they always had each other's backs.

Agent Jacqueline dismissed Cato's question before clicking on a button on the remote, a picture of a gorgeous girl popping up on the projector. "This is Everlace Carrington, one of Mr. Carrington's daughters. An inside source has revealed to us that Miss. Carrington is a social butterfly who attends many elite events."

This time, Asher was the one who spoke up as his eyes stayed focus on the file, reading through the documents that had been handed to him. His chocolate brown hair was also gelled to the back, his golden-brown eyes dancing in curiosity at what these women had anything to do with the case. "What do we do with her?"

Agent Jacqueline released a sigh. "Your job is to get close to Everlace Carrington, close enough that she invites you inside her father's home."

The three men casted each other uncertain looks which Agent Jacqueline dismissed with a wave of her hand.

"Use your methods and your ways, I don't care how you do it but make sure you get evidence on Joseph Carrington," Agent Jacqueline said sternly, eyeing the three men who simply nodded casually.

"Doesn't she have a twin sister?" Asher questioned slowly, unsure if he had his facts right.

Agent Jacqueline nodded before pressing another button on the remote, a picture of Evelyn Carrington who looked exactly like her twin. "Yes, Evelyn Carrington but she's not to be involved whatsoever."

Cato raised a brow in surprise. "Why not?"

"Evelyn Carrington is smart," Agent Jacqueline answered as she leaned on her desk. "She's quite observant and knows how to get things her way. She plays smart but Everlace Carrington is more of a... spontaneous character. In other words, Everlace is easier to get befriend."

The three gentlemen sat in silence as they absorbed all the information they had just received, comprehending it then understanding their next mission.

"How do we know we have the right twin?" Asher spoke up again as a foreign feeling of nervousness settled in the pits of his stomach.

Agent Jacqueline simply smiled. "We bought a residence right next to Everlace Carrington's. An inside source says she's been living there for quite some time now, more days than others especially when she parties."

"Great, when do we leave?" Eli asked, excitement dancing in his eyes yet the feeling being oppressed due to the fact that he needed to remain calm and neutral. It was a way to remain professional.

Agent Jacqueline chuckled at the carefree agent. "You leave in eight hours. A jet has been prepared for you and no new identities are needed. If anything, the FBI and police have been alerted of your arrival and have removed your identity off the database should there be any background check the Carringtons do on you."

The three men nodded wordlessly.

"What do you say?"

"Mission accepted," Eli answered almost right away, causing Agent Jacqueline to raise a brow at him before picking up her purse and coat.

"I have a plane to catch to London so I hope to hear monthly updates from you," Agent Jacqueline stated as she packed her things up.

"How long will we be staying there for?" Cato asked.

"You have one year."

Cato's eyes widened in shock at the short period of time given to them. "That's it?"

"How do you expect us to become Everlace's friend?" Agent Asher spoke up.

Agent Jacqueline couldn't help but smirk. "Agent Asher, I'm sure you had to seduce women in order to get what you wanted with no strings attached in previous missions so why should this one be any more different?"

Agent Jacqueline knew she caught Asher off guard as she walked towards her office doors and glanced over her shoulder to see that the three gentlemen were now whispering to each other under their breaths.

"One more thing," she announced, cutting up the conversation they had as they all had their eyes on her. "Do not get the wrong twin."

And she had left at that.

Asher crossed his legs as he tuned out Cato's whining and Eli's excitement for the new opportunity as his thoughts clouded with the uncertainty and the feeling that this mission was going to be a short one due to the time period given. His fingers danced on his lips, a sigh leaving his mouth as he licked his lips, deep in thought.

Little did the trio know, a storm was going to strike and she went by the name of Evelyn Carrington.

- author's note -

this is the official prologue! it was quite difficult to write in the third person as I'm not used to it and I don't really like writing in the third person but I also didn't want to write in the first person. This is because I still want the characters to be more foreign to you guys so you can read their unique personalities later in the book. I tried writing this prologue without giving out spoilers! If you have any questions, feel free to comment or follow my Instagram and dm me! Link in bio x love you.

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