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07 | family dinner

When Kyle pulled up to the driveway and drove around the massive fountain placed in the middle of the front of the house, he opened the door for me. I breathed in before examining the numerous cars around me, knowing that my relatives were also here. Great.

Everlace, dressed in a silky pink dress with her brunette hair loosely put in a bun, greeted me at the front door as she kissed both of my cheeks. "I missed you!"

I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement. "I missed you too, Eve. Why is everyone here?"

Everlace shrugged nonchalantly. "Daddy said he has an announcement so he invited the entire family."

Everlace led me to the dining room where a long, ancient table was placed with ten chairs lined up on each side of the table. Familiar faces of relatives that I had tried so hard to rid myself from greeted me with fake smiles and kisses on the cheek. I cleared my throat when I reached my father, his blue eyes staring back at me as he ran a hand through his raven black hair. He stood from his seat and kissed both of my cheeks before showing me to the seat next to my sister.

"I knew you would make it," I heard my father whisper as I slipped into the seat, my sister squeezing my hand in reassurance.

"Of course, you made sure I would arrive even if I didn't want to anyway," I responded through clenched teeth as I placed the napkin on my lap. The conversation that was buzzing around me seemed to cease into silence when those words left my mouth, gasping at what I had said to my father.

"Don't be like that in front of our family," my father said to me with a sickly smile before rising from his chair, capturing everyone's attention. "Thank you for coming, everyone. I have some news that I thought you should all hear in person."

I frowned when my relatives began to murmur under their breaths as my father glanced at one of the servants before nodding. I moved my head to the side and allowed my eyes to widen in shock as a young female around the age of twenty-five with stunning blue eyes and blonde hair strutted inside the room, her face painted in heavy makeup. Anger ignited in my body as she made her place by my father's side, slipping her hand inside his own.

"This is Sierra, my fiancé," my father announced, his eyes searching for approval within my sister and I. I gulped and glanced at my father with disgust, shaking my head in humour. "Hannah and I will be getting divorced and as soon as that is over, I will be marrying my sweet Sierra. Now enjoy your meal, everyone."

I glanced over at Everlace who was staring at my father in bewilderment and I knew for a fact that she didn't approve of Sierra. My sister can smell a gold digger when she saw one and judging by the expression contorted by her face, Sierra was one of them.

"You're still so pretty," I heard one of my aunts compliment me as I glanced at her with a blank look.

One of my other aunts scoffed. "She's pretty but it's useless if she doesn't put it to great use like hanging around other elites and party around like her dear sister."

There it was; the comparison to Everlace and I.

I pretended to ignore them as I stabbed my fork into my chicken, eating it the way I wanted to. I clenched my jaw when my aunts spoke between each other, saying how pretty I was and how I would be even prettier if I hung around the elite group.

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