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26 | bloody truth


When Eli's phone had gone off in the middle of our conversation with a few of our colleagues which had alerted him that Evelyn had pressed the button, we had instantly grabbed Cato from the food bar and rushed home. Cato had been driving and Eli had scrolled through the security footage inside the house, the cameras that had been installed during the night while Evelyn was asleep.

"She's down," Eli had said in a panicked voice, only increasing my own fear and panic as Cato stepped on the gas. "She's down but there's an envelope on the floor. I think she fainted but I can't get a good look-"

"Zoom in," I said through gritted teeth from the passenger's seat, immediately regretting the moment I stepped out of that house and had left Evelyn alone.

"Hold on," Eli replied as he tapped away, his eyes lighting up then quickly turned into a look of horror as he turned his phone around so that I could see. He had managed to zoom in on the picture that was on the ground and a woman who looked like Evelyn, was on the floor with her neck cut as she bled, her brown eyes staring off into the distant, lifeless.

"Cato, I swear to god if this car doesn't go any faster-"

Cato cut me off with a glare that sent shivers down my spine. "I'm doing the best I can, motherfucker. This car isn't a Ferrari, it's a fucking Mercedes."

"Call Agent Jacqueline," I instructed Eli who immediately nodded as he called a line that asked for his ID number before directing him to HQ.

Once we pulled into the driveway, Eli had stayed inside the car as he described to our boss the situation we were in while Cato did a perimeter check after grabbing his gun from his belt. I unlocked the steel doors with Eli's own remote control, walking inside the house as I collapsed to my knees, picking up Evelyn's head from the floor. I frowned when I felt something wet behind her head as I slowly brought my hand to my face, my eyes widening when it was painted in blood red.

"Lea, this is Agent Asher Torres, ID number 57890 and I need you to call 911," I announced, my voice loud and clear as the robotic voice appeared, accepting my request before I tried to shake Evelyn awake.

"The ambulance will be here in a few minutes, sir," Lea's robotic voice announced.

A sense of fear settled in the pits of my stomach when Cato finally stepped inside, announcing that the house was in the clear. He picked up the picture, staring at it for a few seconds before shaking his head, whispering a prayer.

"Is she okay?" I heard Eli ask from behind me, his voice soft and desperate as I glanced over my shoulder, unsure of what to say or do. But when he saw the panic in my eyes, he let out a curse and just as he was about to do something, the sound of the ambulance's sirens neared. He broke into a run as he ran outside, positioning himself in the middle of the street as he waved for the ambulance.

"Evelyn," I whispered as I tried to shake her again, hoping she'd wake up this time but when she didn't, my heart dropped to the floor. "Stay with me, sweetheart, please."

Cato bent down beside me as he wrapped a towel around her head until the paramedics took over, shoving me to the side while they gently took Evelyn into their care.

Eli approached me, shaking his head. "Agent Hayden is dead too. He was killed three minutes before Everlace met her tragedy."

A chill went down her spine as I rubbed my temples, shoving Eli to the side as I chased after the paramedics, forcing my way inside the van.

"Meet me at the hospital," I instructed Cato and Eli who only nodded in response.


The throbbing of my head pounded me alive as my eyes shot open, the nightmares I had dreamt earlier felt so real that my heart actually broke. As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, my vision clearing, I blinked when I noticed myself in a very dull room with needles attached in me and machines beeping.

My hands began to tremble as I bit my lip, desperate to know if what I had dreamt of was actually real. As I pressed the button that had called the doctors and nurses for attention, I waited until a middle-aged doctor walked in, a clipboard attached to his body with a nurse walking behind him as he approached me with a soft smile.

"You're awake, Miss C-"

"Where's my sister?" I questioned, demanding an answer as I anticipated it with heightened anxiety, the fear of never seeing my sister again almost had me screaming.

The doctor's eye twitched as a look of pity crossed his face. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Miss Carrington."

That was when I felt the world entirely stop. The words I thought I'd never hear met my ears and sucked the life out of me as I felt my head began to feel light as a balloon, my hands shaking. My heart began to race as I felt the weakness settle in my bones, my hands and fingers losing its nerves as I no longer felt any movements in my body. My chest began to heave up and down, the only thing that was running through my mind was trying to gasp for air but when I had tried to reach from it, it had suddenly felt so far away as I began to feel myself lose control.

The ringing in my ears blared as tears stung my eyes, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to gasp for air, anything to help me breathe.

"Evelyn Carrington!" I heard the doctor yell, his voice sounding so far. "Evelyn Carrington, you need to listen to me. Be calm, you're having a panic attack."

My eyes fluttered closed as I tried to focus on my breathing.

"Focus on your physical surroundings," the doctor's voice was now clearer, louder even. "Dig your feet into your bed or place your hands on your head and feel your hair."

I did as I was told, digging my toes into my bed as I clenched my hands on my head, taking in deep breaths as I felt myself began to touch the floor.

"Now, open your eyes slowly and focus on the pen I'm holding in front of you," the doctor instructed as I listened, allowing my eyes to ever so slowly flutter open and focused on the black pen in front of me. "Identify its features and describe them to me."

My vision began to focus as I squinted my eyes, the heaving of my chest began to regulate as my toes seemed to relaxed itself. "Black...silver lining..."

"Good, good," the doctor praised softly. "Now picture your happy place and imagine yourself there, make sure to be precise on the details."

I nodded and immediately yet unconsciously pictured myself in Asher's arms, feeling his strong arms wrapped around me as he squeezed me tightly in reassurance. I imagined his bright smile and imagined his laughter sounding through my ears as I let out a deep breath, a smile gracing my lips.

"Good," the doctor said as he sighed in relief, making my eyes snap open as reality began to set in again but this time, I was more grounded.

I glanced over to my doctor as the news hit me once again, tears stinging my eyes as I bit my trembling lips. I pulled the blanket closer to my chin and turned on my side as I mourned for my dead sister, suddenly missing her laughter and her jokes. I cried even harder when I felt a part of myself die a little inside because if I were to be completely honest, Everlace was a part of me and she was always going to be. My body began to shake as I bawled my eyes out, clenching my fists around the blanket and wished to the heavens above to return my sister to me.

And all of a sudden, I regretted walking away from her the very last time I had talked to her. I should've stayed but my war with my father got the best of me and I had let it happen.

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