23 - An Accidental Assist

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Heh heh, it's been like 15 days since I last updated. Sorry. I'm trying my best, but I've got a lot going on right now. Please don't be mad! With winter break here, I'll probably have more time to write. Enjoy!


Lloyd's POV

"Come on, everyone's in here," Skylor says, opening a door. All t he elemental masters are there, plus Ultra Violet.

"You're alive!" Tox exclaims. "But where's y/n?"

"She... uh," Cole started, but he didn't know how to finish.

Everyone gasps.

"You don't mean..." Paleman says.

"We don't know exactly what happened to her," Zane says. "The time twins sent her somewhere, and she's still missing."

"Time twins? Who are they?" Camille asks.

"They're the elemental masters of time," Nya explains. "What have you guys been up to in here?"

"I've been collecting books from my father's ancient library and bringing them here for everyone to read," Skylor says. "We managed to find a few things."

"Yeah," Griffin agrees, then opens up a book. "It says in here that Chen has two brothers."

"Really?" Cole asks. Who?"

"For many years, everyone thought they were dead," he continues. "Their names are Acronix and Crux."

My mouth drops open. "So you're saying the two guys who took y/n are related to Chen?"

"That's who you were battling?" Skylor clarifies. "Huh, how coincidental."

"Does the book mention anything else about them, Griffin?" Zane asks.

"Well," Griffin says. "Chen, according to the book, has been of the twins' elemental power ever since they were kids, and has been trying to prove his worth ever since."

"Right," Camille agrees. "So we're thinking that maybe if we convince Chen that he's just as powerful, then he won't raise an army of snakes."

"There's a bit of a problem with that plan," Shade interrupts as he walks into the room through another door. "Chen's dead."

"What?!" Everybody exclaims.

"I just saw him through the peephole into the throne room. There's no way that guy's still alive," he explains. "I'm so sorry Skylor."

"You okay?" Kai asks her, putting an arm on her shoulder.

"I don't know," she mutters. "Sure, he wasn't a great role model, and he was literally an evil mastermind, but he's still my dad."

"If you need anything, I'm here," Kai replies. "Trust me, I've been through my fair share of losses. It's not easy, but you can make peace with it."

"Did you see where the time twins went?" Cole asks.

"They're still in the throne room, arguing."

"Ow!" Someone shrieks. Everyone turns to the source of the sound.

"Y/n?" I gasp, running to help her off the ground. "How did you...?"

"It's a long story," she says as she uses my hands to pull herself off the floor. The portal she just fell through closes up in just seconds, as if it were never there at all.

"Where did you go, sister?" Zane asks.

"I ended up in the future," she answers. "And apparently, we're not supposed to deal with Acronox and Krux until later."

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