5 - Two of One Element

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Lloyd's POV

"Next up, Light vs. Darkness!" Chen calls.

This is our second day in the tournament, and Chen's been calling out different combinations of opponents, and it's finally my turn.

"Hang on—there aren't any of those elementals here," Jacob—the master of sound—says. "Paleman's already been eliminated, and there isn't a master of darkness."

"On the contrary!" Chen replies. "Darkness is a very vague term. Masters of shadow and smoke are against the master of light energy; Lloyd!"

"But that's not fair!" Cole protests. "That's two against one!"

"My tournament, my rules!"

"Wait," y/n calls. "Lloyd isn't the only master of light."

"What are you talking about?" Chen says impatiently.

"I also control light energy."

There are mummers around the room after she said that. Y/n makes her way over to me and takes my hand. "It's still Light vs. Darkness, except now the fight is even."

Chen turns to Clouse, who shrugs. "Fine," he snarls. "Lloyd and y/n vs. Ash and Shade!"

——-y/n's POV, in the arena———

"You have got to be kidding me," I mutter as we're brought into the arena. Me and Lloyd are standing in front of a tall building, reminding me of the tower the overlord was on the first time we beat him. Ash and Shade are already at the top, waiting for us to start the trek up the stairs.

"He's trying to recreate the final battle," Lloyd says. "Can he really be more insensitive?"

"Yes, he probably can. Just be thankful that there's no dragon."

"You mean like that one?" Lloyd asks, pointing.

"Dammit," I grumble, cursing myself for speaking too soon. On the top of the building is an animatronic dragon that Shade and Ash are currently climbing on top of.

"Fighters ready?" Chen calls. "Let the round commence!"

Shade climbs on top of the dragon's head and holds onto the horns, while Ash goes into the dragon's mouth. At first, I have no idea what he's doing in there, but then it becomes obvious once he starts using the power of smoke to act as the dragon's breath.

"The final battle, round two!" Nya cries from the stands. "C'mon Lloyd and y/n, you've got this!"

Lloyd and I run towards the staircase and start climbing. I cough as the smoke from the dragon falls over me, but Lloyd takes my hand and helps me keep going.

"Am I the only one who feels like this fight is in our opponents' favour?" I mummer.

"Yup, you're the only one," Lloyd says, trying to think positively. "We can do this. We've defeated darkness time and time again; why should this be any different?"

"Fair point," I reply.

We run all the way up to the top, and my eyes are slightly watery from all the smoke getting into them. I look up at the dragon in front of us, and I notice Shade isn't on the top anymore.

"Lloyd, look out!" I warn as I see the master of shadow emerge from behind the dragon. I stomp my foot, and the ground between me and Shade ripples, causing him to lose his balance and fall over.

"How are we supposed to win this fight?" I ask, taking on the master of shadow while Lloyd battles Ash. "Do we throw them over the edge, or what?"

"The last remaining pair on the tower wins, and the other two lose!" Chen shouts over the loudspeaker.

"That answer your question?" Shade says mockingly. "Be prepared to go splat."

"Eww, that sounds gross," I say, backing away from him so I can create a katana out of ice. I make a second one for Lloyd and pass it to him.

"Thanks, n/n!"

"No problem," I reply, just as I manage to pierce through Shade's shirt with my sword. I lift him off the ground and bring him back towards the edge, letting him dangle there.

Shade grunts, and as he struggles, I realize that I shouldn't be trying to make him an enemy.

"What are you waiting for?" Shade asks. "Just let me fall already!"

"Not yet," I say softly, swinging my katana to bring him back onto the building. "There's something you should know."

I quickly explain the deal about Chen absorbing everyone's powers while Shade and I pretend to fight, and he actually seems to understand.

"So what's the plan, then?" He asks.

"We're going to warn everyone about the situation and form a small alliance. As for all the losers, they've been rescued by Skylor, who's Chen's daughter, and they've been coming up with a plan of action."

"Well, in order for this plan to work, one of us has to lose," Shade says, referring to the two of us. "Or else Chen will know something's up."

"Yeah," I say sadly.

"Throw me off the edge," he says.


"Just do it."

I do as he says and use the flat side of my blade to knock him off the side. I peer at him from the top of the building, and he gives me a salute as he falls as if to say 'I've got a plan.' Once he's no longer in sight, I go join Lloyd who's still battling Ash.

"Did you tell him about Chen's plan?" I ask him. During all the other battles earlier today, I was telling all my teammates about Chen's plans. I haven't told them about the Sons of Garmadon just yet, but I will once I get an update from Skylor.

He nods. "I told him everything, but he doesn't believe me."

"If what you say is true, then how do I know you're not just trying to take the staff for yourself?" Ash says.

"We don't have time for this," I mutter, and use the same tactic as I did with Shade to throw Ash over the edge.

"Sorry!" I tell him just as I remove my blade from the fabric of his shirt. "It's for the best."

"Light wins, Darkness loses, yada yada yada," Chen says into the mic, annoyed that Lloyd and I are still in the tournament.

Lloyd takes my hand, and I lean my head on his shoulder. This is going to be a rough competition.

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