18 - The Time Twins

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Y/n's POV

"Argh! Why do humans have to be so incompetent?!" Aspheera shouts angrily. While she and Chen argue about who's to blame, Lloyd turns to me.

"What's the plan?" He asks.

"Break the staff... again," was all I could think of. "Any idea how to do that?"

"I've got a solution!" Chen shouts at Aspheera. "I'll just take the fire element back from you!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Haha, watch me."

With that, Chen absorbs Aspheera's fire powers—which used to belong to Kai—to add to the staff.

"Perfect. Now the war between humans and Anacondrai can continue!" Chen exclaims. "Clouse! What are you waiting for?"

"Now!" I shout, signalling the rest of our team to attack. Lloyd and I target Clouse, Kai and Jay take on Chen, while Zane, Nya, and Cole attack Aspheera.

"Idiot! I thought you had them tied up!" Aspheera cries.

"I did," Chen fires back. "They must have escaped!"

While Chen and Aspheera argue aimlessly, they start to lose their focus, and we're able to start taking the upper hand. Aspheera is vulnerable without the element of fire on her side, so the three ninja attacking her are winning the battle.

Suddenly, I hear a strange sound from above. I look up into the sky, and see some sort of vortex opening from the clouds.

"Ohhhh no!" I shriek, jumping a mile high. "This cannot be happening!"

"What? What's wrong?" Lloyd asks, just finishing tying Clouse up and gagging him.

"Frick, frick, frick, frick, frick," I mutter under my breath with my hands pressed to the side of my face.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Lloyd says while putting a hand gently on my shoulder. "Breathe. Look at me."

He encourages me to mimic his slow breathing so I stop hyperventilating. When I'm calm, he asks me why I'm freaking out.

"See that?" I ask, pointing up at the vortex, which is increasing in size.


"That is now our fifth problem that we have to deal with."

"Fifth?" Lloyd repeats, counting on his fingers. "Chen, Aspheera, the Sons of Garmadon..."

"I forgot to tell you, but I also had a run in with an evil djinn," I clarify. "But I dealt with that already. So now we're technically back down to four."

"What is that thing?" Cole asks, noticing the vortex. Hearing his voice reminds me that I should be helping defeat either Chen or Aspheera. Lloyd must be thinking the same thing, because he goes to help Jay and Kai with Chen, while I go to aid the others.

"Who are those guys?" Nya asks as she sees two people emerge on some sort of machine. "And what are they holding?"

"Wait, what? I don't remember it happening like thi—oh sh*t!" I exclaim after turning around, realizing that Nya's right; they are holding something. "How did they get them already?!"

"I'm assuming that you've already met these two?" Zane inquires.

"Uh, not exactly..."

"Then who are they?"

"Elemental masters of Ninjago!" One of our two new enemies shouts at us. "We have come to—"

"Who are you?" Kai interrupts.

"You hear that, brother? They haven't heard of us," one man says irritatedly to the other. "Stupidheads. We are the Time Twins, Acronix and Krux!"


It's been a while.


Also sorry for such a short chapter. I'm really struggling with it right now.

Just a heads up, I don't remember much of the Hands of Time season, so prepare for major changes to the plot and stuff. Also, if you have any suggestion of characters or scenarios or something that you'd like me to add to the story, go ahead and suggest it! I'll try my best to include it.

Bye for now!

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