20 - Skylor Saves the Day

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Nya's POV

"What did you do to her?!" Lloyd cries, right after the time twins made y/n disappear. In a burst of anger, Lloyd starts running towards our new enemies, but Kai holds him back.

"Let me go!" Lloyd protests.

"You're about to do something stupid," Kai replies.

"Kai is correct," Zane says. "It isn't wise to act when you're angry."

"I'm not angry, I'm furious!" Lloyd counters. "Nobody messes with my girl!"

"Don't worry about y/n," one of the twins say. "She in perfect health. In fact, she'll be like that for a while."

"Bring her back!" I demand. Y/n is my best friend, and I hate it when she's in danger. Which is pretty often.

"Get out of my castle!" Chen shrieks. "There isn't enough room for another villain here!"

"You can say that again," I mutter.

"Argh, what do we do?" Jay cries. "With y/n gone, we don't know anything about our new enemies!"

"Just imagine: what would y/n do in this situation?" Cole suggests.

Zane looks lost in thought, until he seems to have a plan.

"Chen!" He calls. "The spell only works if you have the elements of all the current masters, right?"

"Yes, and I've already collected all of them!"

"Well, think again! Acronix and Krux just appeared, and they are the masters of time!"

"What are you doing, Zane?" I ask. "If he absorbs their power, there really will be no stopping him!"

He ignores me as Chen runs towards the time twins and uses his staff to absorb their power.

———-y/n's POV———-

"So, how are we gonna get me back to the past?" I ask.

Future me looks lost in thought. Suddenly, her eyes light up. "I have an idea... but I don't know if it will work."

——————Zane's POV————

Chen just finished absorbing the time twins' elemental powers, leaving them confused and angry.

"You fools! What have you done?" One of them shrieks.

"We are not fools," I correct. "On the contrary, actually; we were rather intelligent on coming up with this plan."

"Save the explanation for later, Zane!" Cole yells, running away for some reason. I remain confused as everyone else begins sprinting away from our foes.

"Why are you running away?" I ask them. "They're defenceless now."

"Yeah, but—just look behind you!" Kai shouts.

I do as he suggests, and glance at the time twins. My internal analyzer starts to scan the situation.

Iron Doom robotic structure collapsing. Self-destruct option was automatically selected approximately two minutes ago, and the fuse will initiate in ten seconds. Suggested reaction: scream like a little girl and run away with your arms flailing.

I'm not about to argue with the little words running across my vision, so I do as it suggests, and run away from the Iron Doom.

"Chill, popsicle! Acting like a maniac is Jay's job," Cole jokes.

"Hey! Is not!"

"Is too," Nya argues. "But don't worry, we luv ya anyway!"

A loud boom erupts behind us, and we all duck behind the pillars of the arena to avoid getting hit by the flying metal.

"What have you done to our elemental powers?" Acronix demands. He and his brother storm over to Chen, and start beating him up. Even without powers, the time twins are pretty good in combat.

"Psst, guys!" A voice says.

"Skylor?" Kai says. "Where have you been?!"

"Yeah, we could have really used your help out there!" Jay adds.

"I've rounded up all the other elemental masters that y/n and Lloyd broke out of the cells. Until that point, I've been in the library searching for something—anything—that could be useful."

"And?" I ask. "Did you find anything?"

"I'll explain later!" She promises. "But you need to come with me—wait. Is that my dad?"

"Um..." Kai starts, looking at Chen lying lifeless on the ground.

"Uh, oh," Jay whispers. "He's not... dead, is he?"

"I sure hope not," Skylor says in annoyance. "I have a very severe talk to give him when this is all over."

"You, snake lady!" Krux calls. "You're next!"

"Come on, the others are waiting for you!" Skylor says, gesturing for us to follow her.

———-y/n's POV———-

"Skylor, can I borrow you for a second?" Future me asks. I'm hiding in the other room, listening in on the conversation.

"Sure," she replies. "What's up?"

"You remember that one time when we got close enough to the time twins that you absorbed some of their power?"


"Well, we're going to need to use it."

"Why? What's going on?" She asks. "You said it's dangerous to mess with time."

"It is," future me replies. "But it's already been messed with."

"I don't think I understand."

"Acronix and Krux have gone back in time," future me explains. "And they've sent someone else to the future."

That's my cue. I walk out of the doorway to reveal myself to Skylor. She looks shocked at first, then confused, then she seems to understand.

"You need me to give past you the time travelling powers," she realizes. "So she can go back in time and stop Acronix and Krux."


"Welp, here goes nothing," she says, and places a hand on my shoulder. I then feel a rush of adrenaline as she gives the time travelling powers to me.

"I really hope you can stop the twins," future me says.

"Wait, you're not coming?"

"No, if the other ninja see two of us, that would mess up the timeline."

Skylor looks confused. "But what about me?"

"Oh, right," future me says. She then places her hand on Skylor's forehead and uses the power of the mind to erase part of her memory.

"What am I doing here?" Skylor asks once future me finishes. "I was with Kai just a minute ago."

"You fell asleep and sleepwalked over here," future me offers while I dodge out of the way. "Why don't you go back to bed?"

"Um... okay..."

"Good luck, little y/n," future me mutters once Skylor walks away. "You're going to need it."

Determining Destiny (Book 3 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)Where stories live. Discover now